I nearly forgot...

Apr 17, 2009 20:51

Someone wrote me a story! The tardis_gen fic from my prompt is up and I am so pleased. Check it out hereI have to say I was a little worried, because, despite the rubbish I write sometimes, I am picky about stuff and especially about historical things. Like names and words and ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, first doctor, ficathon, doctor who, recs

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Comments 3

persiflage_1 April 17 2009, 20:05:39 UTC
I totally know who wrote that 'cos I beta-read it! :P

'tis a lovely one - and as you know, I'm not even a big fan of One...


lost_spook April 17 2009, 20:17:38 UTC
Heh. I noticed that, sneaky you. ;-)

One of these days repeated exposure will bring you round to the wonders of One. Heh.


persiflage_1 April 18 2009, 04:48:09 UTC
Me sneaky?! :D

You're assuming I will be subjecting myself to repeated exposure! :D


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