Fanvid: Always With Me (S&S)

Feb 08, 2012 13:10

This was what I was supposed to be making when I was distracted by 'Summer Fly'. (Well, ish. I was supposed to be making Sapphire/Steel, but I hope to resolve my technical issues first. And then I was dividing up my clips between these two to try and avoid too much repetition.)

Silver/Sapphire/Steel fanvid:
Always With Me (Link goes to YouTube ( Read more... )

vidding, silver/sapphire/steel, sapphire, joanna lumley, david collings, fanvids, silver, sapphire and steel, steel, david mccallum

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Comments 11

persiflage_1 February 10 2012, 18:52:59 UTC
Seeing your lack of comments, I regret taking two days to watch it!

I love it. I love the way that the clips you've used often show them moving as if they *are* dancing to some tune the rest of us can't hear.

Also I really *must* watch Assignment 6 some time soon!


lost_spook February 11 2012, 08:47:52 UTC
Aw, thank you very much! :-) I'm so glad that the 'dancing' thing came across. I did what I wanted to do with this vid, but I knew it might not work for everyone. (I did get a comment on the S&S comm, too, but, yes! Either everyone's fed up with my obsession, finally, or it's my fault for posting things mid-week when everyone's busy. Or they all thought it was highly dull. Heh.)

Would you like me to do the posting thing again? Just for Ass.6, I mean? I could, if you want.

Oh, and I just listened to Zero, finally! (I have been totally played by Big Finish and David Collings. :lol:)


persiflage_1 February 11 2012, 09:43:25 UTC
I was just ridiculously busy writing and didn't want to watch it at a moment when I knew I'd only give it half my attention, instead of all my attention.

Oh could you? That'd be fab since the library doesn't have them (aside from DW it doesn't go in for SF telly much) and Love Film are being a pain and not buying it!

Hee. I really want to relisten to S2 from the beginning but between rabid plot bunnies and Foyle's War (which I'm *completely* hooked on), it's not happening any time soon!


lost_spook February 11 2012, 16:44:57 UTC
Oh, I knew that you were writing - and that has to come first when the bug's bitten! No doubt about it. Besides, I know you usually take the trouble to catch up when you can with things like that. :-)

Done! I am trusting you to guard Silver with your life. ;-D (Actually, I pulled out a suitable envelope, pulled off my address & was about to stick a label on - and realised it must have been one you sent me as it handily already had your address printed on it. Heh.)

Yes, well, I just managed to listen to The Passenger... and then I skipped to Zero. Because. Although now I am sad, for there is no more Silver left. And, hmm, no, can't feel too bad for you over that one, as they sound like excellent distractions.


dimity_blue February 12 2012, 22:32:28 UTC
Awww, that was sweet! I love how active they all were in the clips - it fitted in with the brightness of the song so well.

Thanks for sharing.


lost_spook February 13 2012, 19:55:24 UTC
Thank you! :-)


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