A David Collings Picspam

Nov 07, 2011 21:23

(Um, yes. But hopefully it will be fairly amusing, anyway, even to people who aren't me.)

Just to show what I've been doing with my time this year, or something. You know me; this is not going to be entirely serious & I will endeavour not to be spoilery, even though this includes Blake. Plus, there will be a cute cat, I promise ( Read more... )

elizabeth r, doctor who, picspam, persuasion, david collings, look and read, press gang, silver, miss marple, blake's 7, sapphire and steel, midnight is a place

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Comments 23

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lost_spook November 8 2011, 17:14:57 UTC
Aw, so glad you enjoyed the pics and nonsense! I was a little worried that everyone might just roll their eyes at me & run away or something. :-)


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lost_spook November 8 2011, 17:18:34 UTC
Thanks! I realise I left out any of Silver and Steel which was v wrong and remiss of me, but there... :-)

I've only managed to listen to one of the Kaldor audios; they're not that easy to get hold of. However, while I can't claim to have understood what was going on, I thought it was great. Although I would much prefer Poul to recover rather than go completely round the bend!! :lol:

Oh, Silver is. I've listened to two of the audios with him in - they're definitely on my list of 'to get' audios from Big Finish now, all of them. But especially the one remaining Silver one!

Heh, and I know he was Charn! This was, um, just the things I've watched him in lately in some way or another. But I'll have to take another look at that one sometime!


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lost_spook November 9 2011, 13:33:23 UTC
Aw, that's a v sweet offer, thank you. With Big Finish things, though, I do try to get them all properly, and I'm sometimes quite a slow listener, anyway. (And, happy me, I have Full Fathom Five already). I might take you up on that one day (if you're stlil willing) should I get terribly impatient for the next!

Although what I can't get by fair means or foul are the Kaldor City audios. If you knew where I could find those, that would be another matter. (I listened to no.5 Checkmate, and enjoyed it very much in a fairly mystified way, but couldn't get any of the others at all!)

And, :lol:, all that to get Through the Dragon's Eye! Oh, my...


ravenskyewalker November 8 2011, 00:39:00 UTC
Oh, goodness, I knew he was Poul in RoD, but had forgotten he was Mawdryn (which story I just rewatched), so paid closer attention to him when I saw his name in the credits. I also hadn't realized he was Vorus in RotC... and had forgotten about him in "Blake," so thanks for the reminder! Poor Deva.


lost_spook November 8 2011, 17:25:20 UTC
Heh, yes. He is one of those recurring guest stars, although not as bad as Michael Sheard or Cyril Shaps. (Although maybe he will still make a fourth? I had forgotten the way Steven Moffat always likes to ref Press Gang & recast people from it - he's already used two actors from it in S5 & 6, aside from Julia Sawalha in the Comic relief thing years ago. It's not as if DW doesn't still need voice roles, if nothing else. Ooh... :-D)


dimity_blue November 8 2011, 01:12:11 UTC
Hee! I love that he had such unhappy endings...all the darned time! Well, nearly. It's like there are all these casting directors, sitting around thinking, "Who can we cast...who can we cast? I know! We'll get David Collins and kill him off!"

I much prefer your ending of Sapphire and Steel, that Silver saved them (which would annoy Steel so much) and they carried on having adventures. &hearts


lost_spook November 8 2011, 17:31:35 UTC
Heh. To be fair, he doesn't always die. Sometimes he just goes mad or is left with his life & career in ruins... :-)

Aw, well, as far as I know, it's about as near to canon as you can get without actually being canon - the script for the last episode had Silver in the cafe with the other two (and he would have got them out by using the cutlery had there been an As. 7). But when they came to record it, they knew the plug had been pulled, so David McCallum rewrote the last scene without Silver to bring it back to the title roles. On the commentary, PJ Hammond was thinking how to rescue them, and basically Silver's the only option he comes up with! The Big Finish audios go with that as well - I understand that it's vaguely mentioned. So I say, anyway. Not having stuff about him being evil, erk. ;-D


persiflage_1 November 8 2011, 07:28:30 UTC


lost_spook November 8 2011, 17:26:16 UTC
Thanks! :-)


persiflage_1 November 8 2011, 17:31:03 UTC
I must get the other Sapphire and Steel audio with Silver...


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