NaArMaMo - Day 26: More requests - Bunnies and the White House

Aug 26, 2011 13:02

The last lot of request icons, for paranoidangel42 who actually wanted as many Doctors as I could get on an icon (I have an idea, and I'd like to make it one day, but I had to admit it wasn't sensible at the moment) but did also say 'or bunnies!' and belantana who really asked for a West Wing picspam, but she did say 'anything to do with the West Wing', so I made yet more ( Read more... )

leo mcgarry, josiah bartlett, josh lyman, cj cregg, icon requests, icons, donna moss, west wing, naarmamo

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Comments 11

sallymn August 26 2011, 12:48:46 UTC

{bounce} Beautiful - and sparkly - bunnies!!!


paranoidangel42 August 26 2011, 16:32:36 UTC
Bunnies! Any bunnies are good :)


lost_spook August 26 2011, 19:36:47 UTC
Aw, thank you! :-)


lost_spook August 26 2011, 19:38:47 UTC
I have to warn you: this bunny is not what it seems. It looks cute, but in fact it is the Polymorph from Red Dwarf. Because just as I thought to myself yesterday evening that I would need to find a bunny pic from somewhere, it popped onto my TV screen. I squeaked a bit and capped it shortly after. :-D

Glad you liked them, anyway.


belantana August 29 2011, 14:42:37 UTC
Yayyyyy, thank you! (Sorry for being so late, just got back to town after a few days away, must catch up soon!) You did indeed get all my favourites, and I'm glad I got Josh and Donna too, because they're ALLLL my favourites. The caps of Josh and Donna are the loveliest too, awww, look at their adorable little faces. This definitely counts as a picspam! :D


lost_spook August 29 2011, 16:12:14 UTC
HELLO HELLO :-) Hope you had a nice time!

Glad you liked them - yes, it is a miniature picspam in every sense of the word.

I am not sure about whether Leo should have had the sparkles/whatever. It seems to be snowing indoors.


belantana September 3 2011, 10:26:02 UTC


lost_spook September 3 2011, 15:48:03 UTC


belantana August 29 2011, 14:43:07 UTC


justice_turtle September 27 2013, 05:16:43 UTC
Sooo Kat et alia have started showing me The West Wing. GUESS WHO NEEDS ICONS. ^_^

(Quote icons, mostly, but these are some very shiny ones. Sparkly Leo! And Josh's faaaace. He's a douchebag but he does have a faaaace. *g*)


lost_spook September 27 2013, 16:23:11 UTC
Aw. :-D Your sudden flurry of WW comments made my day that much bright so, hurrah all round. And, ahahaha, first time WW watching. It's like being suddenly given a bowl of candy or something.

And, aw. I mean, Josh is a douchebag sometimes, but kind of the way so many of Aaron Sorkin's men are, and at heart he mainly wants everyone in his life to be okay and NOT DEAD ever. And he does fall over a lot, which counts for something, because it's highly entertaining, especially when he deserves it. :-)


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