Public service announcement

Jul 20, 2011 17:57

I expect those paying attention noticed anyway, but just in case:

CALAPINE MADE A BARBARA TRIBUTE VID! (I may have squeaked. In a good way). And, yes, it is of course as gorgeous as this combination of calapine's vidding skills and Jacqueline Hill/Barbara Wright's awesome would lead you to expect.

image Click to view

(Not that I wish to sound annoying, but if anyone ( Read more... )

fanvids, doctor who, recs, barbara wright

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Comments 14

persiflage_1 July 20 2011, 17:25:46 UTC
I'm quite sure everyone on YOUR friends list knows better than to think RTD invented strong female characters (if they don't, send 'em to me and I'll soon set them right!)


lost_spook July 21 2011, 12:06:46 UTC
Oo-er. What are you going to do to them? :lol:


persiflage_1 July 21 2011, 13:25:46 UTC
Isn't it obvious? Oppress them with Barbara, Liz, Sarah Jane, Romana (I and II), Nyssa and Ace TV episodes...


lost_spook July 21 2011, 15:35:37 UTC
:loL: (Serve them right, too!)


touchdownpossum July 20 2011, 17:44:42 UTC
I don't know who this vidder is, but I am about to go introduce myself and declare myself her number one fan. Thank you so much for point this out to us!


lost_spook July 21 2011, 12:08:18 UTC
If you've not come across them before, calapine makes the best DW vids ever (imo!) and you should definitely check out her amazing multi-era celebrations while you are there - What About Everything, The Black Parade, and The Adventure.



ravenskyewalker September 3 2011, 07:18:10 UTC
Ooh, here's a late comment, pardon me -- remember how "The Black Parade" got yanked from YouTube? I was really startled tonight to find it back there again -- I watched a video, and got pointed to that one, so I happily put it in my favorites very quickly indeed!


lost_spook September 3 2011, 15:50:33 UTC
Aw, thank you! (late comments are always nice!) I realised a few weeks ago, actually - jjpor was talking about it and I was all "But it's not there any more!" and he said it was... and it had come back. (I'm not sure he totally believed me about its vanishment.) I'd forgotten we were both talking about it a while ago, too, sorry!


ravenskyewalker July 20 2011, 17:59:31 UTC
Yes, I caught that -- what a lovely job.


akashasheiress July 20 2011, 22:52:47 UTC
Sadly, even some classic Who fen seem to think that Strong Female Character (how I hate that way of putting it) = Action Heroines Only. And it's not just RTD-fen who think like this.


lost_spook July 21 2011, 12:12:18 UTC
Yes, true. And Barbara is just lovely in so many different ways, and I never fail to be impressed by Jacqueline Hill all over again when I see her eps.

(Btw, I have been meaning to say this, for I found back in an old post of mine, a dumb comment where we were talking about non-human 'ships' and I said something pretty silly like I didn't know if TV could do one and have it work. Well, colour me even more stupid, for I have now watched the 30-yr-old Sapphire & Steel. Total non-human OTP right there. Or OT3 depending on your preference, and impossible to imagine any of them wanting to run off with a human, ever. *is humble and apologetic* :-D)


akashasheiress August 12 2011, 21:22:41 UTC
Hee, I love Sapphire & Steel, and you're right: they are The Perfect Alien OTP or indeed OT3 if you include Silver. Well, them and Doctor/Romana. And Doctor/Master. And... well, you get my drift :) Yes, anyway, I don't think an OTP has to be human or even part human in order to work. It just takes an imagination.


lost_spook August 13 2011, 15:54:05 UTC
They are just great. And SILVER. I didn't love him more than was rational, no, no... *embarrassed* :lol:


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