Paradise is a little too green for me - Kinda icons

May 03, 2011 16:49

The last of the batches that were hiding on my hard disc (although another is now building up quite nicely, too. :-D) These were lurking there the longest, as they are a bit rough, and I was going to do more and betterer (and I will). But I think they're quite nice as a small-ish set. There are also a handful from my screencaps of Peter- ( Read more... )

tegan jovanka, fifth doctor, icons, doctor who, peter davison, janet fielding

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Comments 24

persiflage_1 May 3 2011, 15:55:24 UTC
PD scrubs up well!


lost_spook May 4 2011, 07:07:30 UTC
Yes. There should be more DVD extras with Peter inexplicably wearing a tux. :lol:


persiflage_1 May 4 2011, 07:14:39 UTC
LOL Yes, randomly!Tuxed!Peter would make for an interesting addition...


lost_spook May 4 2011, 19:56:29 UTC
Hee. :-D


curuchamion May 3 2011, 16:00:39 UTC
DVD extras in general need more inexplicable tuxes. Yes.


lost_spook May 4 2011, 07:06:58 UTC
Well, I'm not going to argue with that! :-)


john_amend_all May 3 2011, 18:43:27 UTC
It's probably a good job Five didn't make a habit of wearing the tux, bearing in mind what it did to Ten's body counts :-)


akashasheiress May 3 2011, 20:27:39 UTC
Why's he wearing a tux?


lost_spook May 4 2011, 07:06:14 UTC
It is inexplicable. :-) (I picspammed the DVD extra here, so have a look and see what you think. Presumably he had come from/was going to something formal before/after?


rrr_nightingale May 4 2011, 21:06:30 UTC
Amazing colours! very pretty icons)


lost_spook May 5 2011, 17:01:55 UTC
Thank you! (It was quite fun making them as green as possible, I have to admit.)


belantana May 8 2011, 23:29:16 UTC
I was just going to say, I love how green they are! Ha. Beautiful work.

(It amazes me that you find icon-making less stressful than ficcing. Not that I don't whinge and moan every time I'm wrestling with a fic, but for some reason iconing fills me with so much frustration it's very rarely I can finish something. Hmm. Maybe I'll try again!)


lost_spook May 9 2011, 17:07:39 UTC
Heh. The Doctor says, at the end: "I think Paradise is a little too green for me, too." So I had to try. :-)

Heh. I think it's because I just can't take the icon making anything like as seriously. I mean, I try to make them as nice as I can, but I was so rubbish to start with, and I usually only make fairly obscure things. Also, in terms of my current state, I don't need to make connections between things, or edit or even have much of idea as I do with writing. At the end of the day, I am always aware that I'm playing about with 100x100 pixels. :lol: I can see other people do amazing, careful work, but I get fed up, even when I'm well. Also, I usually find the more work I put into an icon, the worse it turns out.


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