Fic: Love & Science

Feb 14, 2009 17:39

Especially for Valentine's Day (well, really, I lie. That was just coincidence, but allow me to pretend to be an evil mastermind) - A series of multi-Doctor drabbles about that intelligent, preferably scientific and older female (well, not older than him, obviously) as the Type he tends to have as his romantic ideal. Even if he continually falls ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, multi-era, doctor who

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Comments 2

john_amend_all February 14 2009, 23:01:05 UTC
I was rereading Polly's Guide to the Rules the other day, and noticed the aside there about Gemma. Now you've got me wondering whether you had a backstory in mind for her and Pat.


lost_spook February 15 2009, 07:18:47 UTC
Hmm... How to answer? Go the NA Seven route and look mysterious, while pretending that there was a cunning plan or just come clean and admit it was only an aside, from the same scene. ;-) That story seems more likely to lead to worrying Polly/Pat Doc than anything else. Heh.


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