Other bits & pieces

Mar 20, 2011 13:20

Some nice things:

1. I have been catching up with some Big Finish, and have been listening to some more Eight and Lucie (I wish they weren't so much shorter - it makes them terribly more-ish!). I got to The Zygon Who Fell to Earth and was interested to see it had Steven Pacey in (who is, of course, Tarrant in Blake's 7). I wondered what he'd ( Read more... )

del tarrant, eighth doctor, doctor who, blake's 7, big finish

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Comments 27

persiflage_1 March 20 2011, 13:23:14 UTC

Eight'n'Lucie are awesome!


lost_spook March 20 2011, 16:48:06 UTC
Oh, they are! I've listened to The Skull of Sobek, Grand Theft Cosmos, and, as I said, the one with Tarrant the Singing Zygon Wurzel. :-)


persiflage_1 March 20 2011, 16:50:12 UTC

I've spent 5 hours today listening to 'Galiifrey IV'... It was BRILLIANT!


lost_spook March 20 2011, 18:00:29 UTC
Cool! I am so far behind on all BF's main ranges, I don't think I will ever get to any of the spin-offs, but Gallifrey always sounds fun.

(I have actually been listening to something else, which will be my next post, cos oh my, I managed to get my hands on Pt 5 of Kaldor City! :-D And you know my insane love of Blake's 7, The Robots of Death and Image of the Fendahl...)


ironychan March 20 2011, 13:23:49 UTC
Who is that in your icon? Because she is gorgeous...


lost_spook March 20 2011, 17:48:42 UTC
:-D She is, yes. That is Josette Simon as Dayna in the rather old and creaky (but v wonderful) UK sf series Blake's 7.

... )


infinitejoys March 20 2011, 17:04:43 UTC
LUCIE ♥ Oh, how I love her. I don't want Eight to rejoin the main range and get a new companion :(

I am not sure about the existence of video (my guess is no, if only because historically, West End shows are a lot harder to film than Broadway ones), but there is a cast recording from that production (which I can probably procure if you'd like).


lost_spook March 20 2011, 17:55:12 UTC
Heh. I am still not quite at the end of S2 with them, so I have a way to go yet, so that won't be a problem for a while - can't he take her with him to the main range? Hmph. I'd rather he could get Charley back if he rejoined the main range, because I am not happy at her ending. It was very unsatisfactory. (And I remember you prefer Lucie - I love them both! - but there is something about the combination of Paul and India's voices that I just adore, never mind anything else.)

And thanks! I shall have to investigate, but will let you know if it proves difficult! I suspect you're right about the video, and I don't know how long ago it was. There is a Steven Pacey fan website and they have pics, but no video clips.


persiflage_1 March 20 2011, 18:22:31 UTC
Thread jumping to say Eight can't take Lucie with him because Sheridan's MUCH too busy having a FABULOUS theatre career, darling!

(She won an Olivier for her role in 'Legally Blonde' and she's now in Terrance Rattigan's 'Flare Path'.)


curuchamion March 20 2011, 17:21:24 UTC
B7 IS SO OBVIOUSLY A POP GROUP. Definitely. ;-) This explains masses of stuff.

...what about Orac?


lost_spook March 20 2011, 17:42:45 UTC
Oh, yay! Have you been watching more of it? :-D

Orac... um. Either the crazy manager/agent or the really random technical guy who blacks out the lights in the middle of a concert when he's miffed. Or bored.

ETA: Which I suppose would make Zen the laid-back, enigmatical driver. Who is later replaced by Slave, who is probably an East End criminal and ex. London cabby. Or something...


ravenskyewalker March 20 2011, 19:38:30 UTC
B7 is hard rock, not pop, just going by Avon's black leather, LOL. I remember that the American fans and fanzine producers, Leah Rosenthal and Ann Wortham, wrote and drew a whole series of wonderfully bizarre B7 tales (satirical, but not far off the mark in how they played with details already there), including Avon getting the chance to be a snarly, spiky, punky rock star. Great stuff. ;-)


lost_spook March 20 2011, 20:24:32 UTC
Yes, sorry. It's definitely glam rock... :lol:

Heh, I can believe it!


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