"You fired me twice already tonight, I'm impervious."

Feb 21, 2011 12:47

Another female for the meme; I don't think this will surprise anyone who's been hanging around here much lately:

You have enormous value to me, you have no value to Eastern Europe. )

30 days of awesome women, donna moss, west wing, meme

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Comments 8

persiflage_1 February 21 2011, 14:22:51 UTC
I love the quote you've used for the post's title...


lost_spook February 21 2011, 15:50:49 UTC
Heh, yes. (It's so very Donna, too! :lol:)



dbskyler February 21 2011, 20:23:02 UTC
Sigh. Every time you post about Donna, you put me in the mood to watch The West Wing, and I don't *have* any episodes of The West Wing!

Off to put it into my Netflix queue, again.


lost_spook February 21 2011, 20:43:12 UTC
Aww. Sorry about that. ;-)


librarylover82 February 22 2011, 02:12:09 UTC
Excellent choice, both of character and of quotes! That quote from Bartlett is one of my favorites said about Donna.


lost_spook February 22 2011, 16:43:12 UTC
:-D Thanks. It's kind of hard to find Donna/Josh quotes that ,i>aren't great, certainly from S1-4, anyway. And, yes, love the fact that everyone knows Donna's the practical one!


belantana February 22 2011, 12:56:10 UTC
Donna: So if the Capitol building blows up, the man my country will be looking to is the Secretary of Agriculture?
Josh: It's my country too.
Donna: Yeah, but you'll be dead.
Josh: Which is why I really don't care that much.
Donna: Josh -
Josh: Donna, I really don't anticipate the Capitol building exploding.
Donna: What percentage of things exploding have been anticipated?

♥ ♥ ♥


lost_spook February 22 2011, 16:41:36 UTC
:lol: I saw this in my inbox and the combination of Donna and the Capitol made me think of Gallifrey and therefore the wrong Donna and I took a moment to revert to reality...

♥ indeed. :-)


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