Fic: Happy Ever After Is Not The Problem (Part 1)

Jan 10, 2009 20:50

I said, there had to be a sequel.  (And that's it, never fear).

Story: Happy Ever After Is Not The Problem
Author: Lost Spook
Characters etc.: Sleeping Beauty, Fairy tales (Briar, Ferrand, Alain, various Fairies)
Rating: G
Word Count: 5,439
Summary: Sleeping Beauty is about to marry her prince and live happily ever after.  Or trying to, if only things ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, sleeping beauty, fairy tales

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Comments 3

belantana January 10 2009, 21:52:44 UTC
Oh no, what do we do indeed? Is this becoming a novel? :)

"You know," Briar said to Ferrand afterwards, "you’re right. It is very hard not to talk about frogs." - I love the snarky humour in this. What a horror family wedding, let alone the magic!


lost_spook January 11 2009, 20:25:35 UTC
I meant to say, you're amazingly quick off the mark!

And thanks, the idea of the chaos of the wedding was what insisted this be written...


belantana January 11 2009, 23:53:30 UTC
you're amazingly quick off the mark! - Haha, I seem to have timed my morning time on the internets with your evening time on the internets!


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