Picspam: Peter Davison & Nicola Walker in Jonathan Creek (c1998)

Feb 06, 2011 12:35

(with unexpected naked!Ancelyn, as I promised Clocket).

Naturally, possible spoilers for the S2 episodes Danse Macabre and Mother Redcap under the cut (although I have done my very best not to reveal any of the how/whodunnit aspect, I promise!):

In which Peter Davison turns up at the door dressed as a vicar and Jonathan wants Maddy to check his underwear... )

nicola walker, jonathan creek, maddy magellan, picspam, caroline quentin, peter davison

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Comments 44

jjpor February 6 2011, 13:31:10 UTC
With the coat and hat in the first pic, he looks like the Reverend Peter Davison, P.I. - roaming the mean streets of the naked city in pursuit of...I don't know, something vicar-related... Or something.

Hmm, 40s private eye clergyman - I'll put that on the big list of slightly odd story ideas. ;D

And, well, Bambera wouldn't let him sit around the house like that, I'm sure.


lost_spook February 6 2011, 20:02:29 UTC
:-) Parishioners? A theological debate? Or an exorcism, or something, maybe...

Aha, a handy list! :-D

No. I was wondering who he was all the way through, until I saw the credits and first a light bulb went off in my head, followed by Ack!!! Aaargh! unexpected naked!Ancelyn! So, naturally I had to share it...


jjpor February 8 2011, 22:54:47 UTC
lol, yeah, that's what he looks like - the much more reasonable British version of The Exorcist! None of that silly Latin chanting and stuff - we'll just discuss it all over a nice cup of tea... ;D ( ... )


lost_spook February 9 2011, 10:40:54 UTC
Yes, I'm sure the spectres will soon see all this melodramatic haunting is just not the thing, and go away, yes? Either that, or he'll set the Monday afternoon Ladies' Meeting on them! (The Monday afternoon Ladies' Meeting is a multi-denominational fixture, and always a tough gig. Few ghosts would survive.) :-D ( ... )


persiflage_1 February 6 2011, 13:47:52 UTC

You know Nicola's in an episode of Law & Order: UK that's coming up soon (well, as soon as ITV pull their collective finger out of their collective rear, that is!) - it's called 'ID' and she was *really* good! (I've already seen it - twice. *coughs*)


lost_spook February 6 2011, 20:04:02 UTC

What, Nicola Walker being really good in something? Never! Heh. And how come you've watched something twice if ITV haven't shown it yet? I shall have to set Jonathan Creek onto you for that sort of conundrum. ;-D


persiflage_1 February 6 2011, 20:05:52 UTC
*giggles* It's aired in Canada already...


lost_spook February 7 2011, 19:25:02 UTC
...And you moved to Canada when? Heh. ;-D


novindalf February 6 2011, 21:29:20 UTC
Nicola with short hair! Gosh, she looks lovely!!


lost_spook February 7 2011, 19:26:07 UTC
Aw, yes she does! :-)


john_amend_all February 6 2011, 21:35:19 UTC
I think the caption goes best on the first one:

... )


lost_spook February 7 2011, 19:25:41 UTC


jjpor February 11 2011, 21:44:53 UTC


clocketpatch February 7 2011, 05:46:22 UTC
I was so busy being confounded by Vicar!Peter that I completely forgot about unexpected naked!Anceyln until he showed up very... unexpectly... and naked...



lost_spook February 7 2011, 19:27:16 UTC
Yes, Vicar!Peter was great, although they did seem to think that Vicars and their wives still act as if they're in the 50s, but even so.

I did warn you - unexpected naked!Ancelyn is unexpected! ;-D


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