Another recs post - Press Gang

Dec 11, 2010 14:38

For various reasons (including explaining the unexpected ficlets I wrote for 50ficlets this week), I feel it's time for the Press Gang edition of these posts. There won't be much I haven't mentioned previously, because it's a rare fandom, but I've not put it all together before ( Read more... )

steven moffat, julia sawalha, spike thomson, frazz davis, lynda day, julie craig, kenny phillips, recs, colin mathews, fannish scribbles, fanvids, press gang, tiddler, sarah jackson

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Comments 4

pitry December 11 2010, 18:27:53 UTC
Well, that scene was hilarious! :) I'm getting the feeling Colin is a serial-animal-murderer now... ;)


lost_spook December 12 2010, 09:48:58 UTC
:lol: I think that's the only instance... Mind, he is pretty murderous towards the pigeons in S1, as well. ;-) I love that scene (Actually, finding it on YouTube ages ago, before it vanished, was what made me start collecting the DVDs because until the I'd been so worried they wouldn't live up to the way I remembered them.)


paranoidangel42 December 12 2010, 09:46:45 UTC
Love that someone in the comments, who's never watched the show wanted to know if Lynda was being bullied

Haha, I can't imagine anyone bullying Lynda. The only person who'd try would be someone who didn't know her at all and they wouldn't get very far.

Thanks for the recs! I think I'd read most of those stories before, but I read them again :) The vids I hadn't seen all of, so I enjoyed those too.


lost_spook December 12 2010, 09:50:26 UTC
Indeed! :-)

Aw, thanks. I was surprised about the fanvids, too - there suddenly seemed to be a whole bunch of new ones since I'd last gone looking, so that was nice.


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