West Wing Icons

Oct 16, 2010 13:12

Not what I was supposed to be doing, but then I thought it would be fun to have a Ainsley Can-I-have-a-muffin icon. 54 other icons later, I did remember to do that...


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josh/donna, sam/ainsley, quotes, josh lyman, ainsley hayes, sam seaborn, icons, donna moss, west wing

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Comments 37

belantana October 17 2010, 08:43:14 UTC
Hi! *waves* You will never believe this, but during my last few weeks of scarcity I have been a) drinking a lot of wine and b) watching series 1 of The West Wing, finally! And then I come back to LJ to find these amazing icons. Great minds. :D :D :D

That said, I haven't got very far yet, so I don't think I've heard a single one of these quotes, nor met Ainsley. Currently I am a big happy grinning mess for Toby, Leo and Josh. Which is not to say I am not also a big happy grinning mess for CJ, Donna, the President, Mrs Lanningham, Charlie and EVERYONE, except maybe for Sam, who can go be smug somewhere else and take his patronising attitude to call girls with him. THANK YOU SO MUCH for dragging me into this universe of pure joy!

(Also, I seem to remember you saying something about years of watching Spooks making you expect Bad Stuff to happen all the time on The West Wing? I totally get that! I have to keep reminding myself that there is no way they are going to kill off a main character and I can RELAX.)


belantana October 17 2010, 08:47:58 UTC
there is no way they are going to kill off a main character

Ahhhhhh ok the moment I wrote that I had a paranoid fit. If someone is going to die, can you warn me? Like, just say "watch out for episode 324 I AM JUST SAYING"? I don't think I could deal with it otherwise. I can barely deal with it on Spooks and I am expecting it then.


lost_spook October 17 2010, 09:02:22 UTC

Um, bad stuff happens on the WW, too, that's all I'm saying. How serious are you about wanting to know if someone actually dies? Because they do like cliffhangers... And I haven't got there yet, but I'm aware there's a rl event that happens, too.


belantana October 17 2010, 09:51:59 UTC
OH GOD NO, REALLY? ARGH. ARGH. I haven't even finished the first series yet so I haven't encountered a cliffhanger... Usually I am so anti-spoilers, but I don't know... I think what you've just said is enough of a warning, actually. I will be on my guard now. Thanks. :)


(The comment has been removed)

lost_spook October 17 2010, 09:23:33 UTC
Aw, thank you! I like your quote icon there, too. (Aww.)


thesierras October 24 2010, 15:13:10 UTC
Love your icons, I grabbed one and will credit when used.


lost_spook October 24 2010, 19:39:08 UTC
Aw, thanks! :-)


bright_blonde December 31 2010, 01:22:41 UTC
snagging a bunch of the quotes, thanks so much!!


justice_turtle August 12 2011, 19:19:13 UTC
Taking "Aristotelian confluence of events". :-)


lost_spook August 13 2011, 12:17:25 UTC
:-) Heh. And that show has probably more quotable lines per minute than anything else ever made.


justice_turtle September 27 2013, 06:09:51 UTC
YES IT DOES. We originally started watching it after "tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing" came up with reference to Kat's asshole cat and her mom's tiny Yorkie (it's complicated XD), and... QUOTES. ALL THE QUOTES. Since we saw the S1 State of the Union episode I've been saying "The country is much stranger than it was this time last year" at random intervals. ^_^


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