Fic: 3 Crossovers

Sep 10, 2010 19:01

Three more finally typed up from my birthday crossover meme. Sorry about the delay (especially given how long I've had a couple of these sitting in a notebook):

1. Cut and Dried: Inspector Japp and the Seventh Doctor (Poirot/DW) requested by jjporAll ages ( Read more... )

dana scully, seventh doctor, buffy the vampire slayer, ace, spike (btvs), crossover, crossover meme, fannish scribbles, bernice summerfield, miss marple, luna lovegood

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Comments 23

clocketpatch September 11 2010, 06:38:40 UTC
I don't know the cross-over, but I do know Seven. Heh, I love it when he just messes with people.

Spike and Scully are quite awesome together.


lost_spook September 11 2010, 08:46:14 UTC
Thanks! (Inspector Japp is Poirot's put-upon contact at the Yard. You do know Poirot/Agatha Christie? Sorry. I find it hard to imagine people not knowing Poirot... :lol:)

It was a rather lovely prompt, wasn't it? I'm not so good at writing Spike, because properly speaking he should be, erm, worse, but there. And I love the bits in the X-Files where Scully believes things and then Mulder starts sceptical. ;-)


persiflage_1 September 11 2010, 07:38:25 UTC
Poor Inspector Japp!


lost_spook September 11 2010, 08:46:38 UTC
Yes, he doesn't stand a chance against Seven. :-)


persiflage_1 September 11 2010, 08:49:42 UTC
Who does??


belantana September 11 2010, 11:26:35 UTC
Hahaha, that'll learn me to read your intros properly - I thought that was Spike from Press Gang and I was totally bemused but nevertheless delighted that you made him a vampire. I love your Scully and ahhh, Miss Marple, so lovely.


daibhid_c September 11 2010, 11:34:06 UTC
My original request was nearly "I'd like to see Dana Scully deal with Spike", but I remembered there were two Spikes before I posted it.


lost_spook September 11 2010, 12:59:45 UTC
:lol: And my icon, even! :-) That must have been very confusing indeed. And, aw, thanks.


daibhid_c September 11 2010, 11:31:39 UTC
That was brilliant, thanks. (It also made me think of another crossover - when Spike started on about prejudice against the undead, I had a sudden vision of him at the Fresh Start Club.)

I enjoyed the other two as well; all the characters were spot on.


lost_spook September 11 2010, 13:00:23 UTC
Thanks! :-) It was a fun prompt.


jjpor September 12 2010, 21:26:58 UTC
Very nice - very nice indeed! I was not disappointed, especially not by your Seven who was great *insert obligatory remark about you should write Seven more often*. And poor old Japp! ;D And the Spike-Scully one was very good too - esp the way Mulder never believes it when it's Scully who has the uncanny story! It's so true! XD


lost_spook September 13 2010, 19:18:38 UTC
Thanks! :-)


jjpor September 13 2010, 19:36:21 UTC
That's quite all right!

(Say, as a result of my panicked ship-jumping the other week, I seem to have acquired a Dreamwidth invite code. I know you're not really interested in Dreamwidth as of yet, but it could still be a useful thing to have, for a rainy day... So basically I'm saying you can have first refusal on it, if you want it. If not I can sell it to the highest bidder ask anyone else if they want it.) ;D


lost_spook September 19 2010, 08:00:29 UTC
You may be wondering why I've been so rude as not to reply to your kind offer all week. The truth is I've been dithering. You're right, I don't really see the point of one at the moment, but you know, when it's so nicely offered, and Primsong keeps going on about it, and I could at least get in to the fortress should I want to... So, if you haven't already given it elsewhere, bear with me while I dither a bit longer, and then probably finally get round to refusing politely. Or accepting graciously, whicever I finally come down on. I mean, even if it's only a rainy day thing, I know it'll be a Distraction and the internet is a terrible time-eater. ;-)


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