Planet of Fire icons

Jun 19, 2010 21:05

Hey, I spent some of my birthday money on this... and have made some icons. I couldn't help it (plus, yet again, Friday insomnia strikes, so I have little brain for writing). You will be relieved to hear there are none of Turlough in speedos.

There are also some extra I did last week for Vengeance on Varos. (Now that my skills have improved a ( Read more... )

doctor who, colin baker, peri brown, turlough, sixth doctor, fifth doctor, icons, anthony ainley, peter davison

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Comments 30

clocketpatch June 19 2010, 20:13:37 UTC
These are BRILLIANT. *yoinks*


lost_spook June 19 2010, 20:22:18 UTC
We can be icon twins again! :lol:

And thank you! Yay. (I made progress while you were away when pedanther pointed out to me that it would help if I didn't save things as jpegs. And then last week I worked out about six other things, and now my icons look slightly better than they did. Which is nice. :-D)


clocketpatch June 19 2010, 21:42:19 UTC
What should you be saving them as then? *inquiring minds want to know*


lost_spook June 20 2010, 07:47:20 UTC
.png files. I forget what the other options were. For whatever reason, mine were so fuzzy as jpegs, it just defeated the point of me making them.


infinitejoys June 19 2010, 20:53:08 UTC
You will be relieved to hear there are none of Turlough in speedos.

... )


lost_spook June 20 2010, 07:48:22 UTC

Sorry, bit of an ongoing joke with the DbyA section of my flist!

I bow to your superior moving pictures. I can't do those!


infinitejoys June 20 2010, 20:54:01 UTC
I'm afraid I didn't make that one -- I nicked it from...somewhere. I have so many Doctor Who gifs floating around on my computer, it's ridiculous.


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lost_spook June 20 2010, 07:51:53 UTC

Glad you liked, and thanks. I didn't realise I was committing pr0n... 8-o


comrade_cat June 20 2010, 02:46:34 UTC
Taking 53-4, will credit when used. :)


lost_spook June 20 2010, 07:52:20 UTC
Thanks! :-)


persiflage_1 June 20 2010, 04:46:46 UTC
Shouldn't the text on #5 be "Rude and ginger" if you're riffing on Ten's "rude and not ginger"?


lost_spook June 20 2010, 07:50:04 UTC
I thought about it, but decided on mean in the end, because it's from the scene where he's trying to kill Kamelion and I thought it worked that way too. I think, at this point 'Blank and Ginger' works anyway.

So I thought... :lol:


persiflage_1 June 20 2010, 08:58:46 UTC
Oh. I've not rewatched Planet of Fire, so I've no idea about the scene. I just thought it was a riff on Ten's comment, since Turlough is both rude and ginger.


lost_spook June 20 2010, 19:51:03 UTC
No, it's a fair point -as I said, I debated it with myself when I was making it, and came down on that wording. But I've more pics and I was planning to do one with the more obvious wording as well! :-)

Heh. Planet is far from my fave Five story, but all the Turlough bits in it are great. Finally Mark Strickson is given has backstory and motivation and he goes off like a rocket! :lol:


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