50 Ficlets Update

May 16, 2010 08:34

Two more:

Prompt 19: Lost & Found
Stars collide and Kenny runs into his Wrong Number, but as usual the universe hasn’t finished with him yet.
Love, Fate and Destiny(864 words, All ages, Kenny Philips, Kelly/Dublin Girl. Kenny/Kelly. Set between S3 & 4 ( Read more... )

spike thomson, frazz davis, lynda day, kenny phillips, colin mathews, 50ficlets, fannish scribbles, press gang, tiddler, sarah jackson

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Comments 2

paranoidangel42 May 16 2010, 10:44:30 UTC
It's so sweet that Kenny finally meets his Wrong Number - and so typical that it's just before he's moving to Australia.


lost_spook May 16 2010, 13:57:53 UTC
Heh, thanks! :-)


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