Fic: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

May 15, 2010 20:17

For mickeyk in the crossover meme:

Story: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 366 (Yes, the title is nearly longer than the fic)
Characters/Pairings: Captain Jack Harkness, Sandra Pullman (TW & DW / New Tricks)
Warnings: None. I should say here that I don't think I've ever done angsty Jack...

Summary: Sandra just ( Read more... )

sandra pullman, jack harkness, crossover, crossover meme, fannish scribbles, torchwood, meme, new tricks

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Comments 4

CJH/Sandra Pullman, FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mickeyk May 16 2010, 00:08:34 UTC
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hee! And a reference to Gerry, I see:

“Trust me,” she said, with a dangerous smile, “if I need someone to bring everything down to the lowest level and make suggestive remarks, and inane innuendo I’ve already got the ideal candidate.”

“Ah,” said Jack. “My kind of guy, I guess?”

This is great! Thanks for fulfilling my prompt so quickly. I absolutely love it.


Re: CJH/Sandra Pullman, FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lost_spook May 16 2010, 13:58:52 UTC
Oh, good! This was what instantly came to mind, so I hoped you didn't mind it being short and daft! :-)


apckrfan April 27 2011, 22:27:04 UTC
ha, great fic, love this line:
Sandra raised an eyebrow and tried to picture it. She winced.

Yeah, I'd wince too at that image :D


lost_spook April 28 2011, 18:04:01 UTC
Thanks - and, yes, Gerry would not get on with Captain Jack... :lol:


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