Snake leaned heavily on his bike looking up the tall building toward the 13th floor. He was up there somewhere and ten to one already knew they were coming. Snake tossed his cigarette away looking down the street. The building made him uncomfortable. When he stood near it his hair always prickled on his neck like someone was watching him and he
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He watched the next series of images. He was understanding more on an emotional level. His dreams followed a similiar pattern but they did not look anything like this. His mind came back to reality when she started talking about a dead man being alive.
I have brought two people back from the dead and I do it all the time. He looked at her curiously and then smiled. Maybe he is stronger then you think or he has a guardian angel?
Snake turned to the voice and scowled at the man. Snake had been taught that people speaking to you here if you had not addressed them was a very bad thing. Snake took a deep breathe.
Trinity. His voice was concerned as the man brushed past. Sanke scowled but said nothing watching the conversation.
If Trinity cared to examine it's code she would see two anomolies, one malignant(the Antichrist) and one belevolent(the Angel). The codes worked in unison in Snake's hand.
He moved toward Cypher at speeds that he should not have been able to. The swordpoint found it's way to Cypher's neck, the heat already singing the collar of his shirt.
There are worse things then death.
Snake spoke quietly with a deadly, cold calm to his voice.
The door.
He motioned toward the door at the far end of the room. You can leave there but I've got to walk back to the battlefield.
'See you soon, Trin.'
Snake was going to head back to the battlefield. 'Be careful,' she cautioned.
Walking through the door Trinity held her breath hoping to open her eyes and find herself outside of hell.
Wake child.
'When does he wake up?'
Both. Hell is a place, a prison for those God finds unworthy. The prison is real. The bars and the shackles are what you make of them.
Her head couldn't grasp which questions it wanted to ask as they all swam around in her head. 'Is every reality...a prison? Heaven,' She didn't believe in it but Zion was as close as it came in terms of freedom, or so she had thought, 'is a prison also?'
Raising an eyebrow she questioned, 'God?'
You are trapped here because you are alive. You can die and go to where it is you are destined to go. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Hades; all the same once you strip away the culture. Sometimes it is possible to by pass death like you have this day.
He reclined interested in Trinity's reaction and the subtleties of her changing expressions.
God is the creator, my creator, his creator. Motioning to Snake his expression hinted at confusion. Oddly not his princess' creator. She was born from the hands of another.
What is it you wish to know of the Creator child?
'But when I die and end up going to..' She stopped briefly, never having thought about where she would go, if she would go anywhere, when she died, 'where ever it is that I am going, I still won't be free? There is always something that governs over us?'
She titled her head to the side when he mentioned the Creator...she couldn't help thinking of the Architect, of Neo, of the machine god that Neo mentioned fighting.
Sighing she pressed her lips together. 'It's just that I understand the terms that you talking about but my experiance of them are much different then you would know.'
He was inquisitive and curious as to what her answer would be to the proposed question.
Even a creator has something which governs his or her hand. Freedom can go only so far before you find you are thrust into chaos. War and even destrucion has order though many can not see past the devestation.
His lips curled into a soft smile.
We all see the world differently. You could see as I do or as Snake does. Our way is not yours and it should not be. Perhaps that is where you may find the freedom you seek. Would you like to see as he does before he awakens?
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