Nominations are now open for the July Fic Awards. Please note that several categories have changed. There is now a Best Drabble category and a monthly Special Category. Also, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the voting and nominating guidelines as they have also been updated.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave their input about fic categories in our poll. The goal is to rotate some of these smaller categories in and out of competition. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Now go forth and nominate! NOMINATIONS ARE DUE JUNE 30.
BEST GEN FIC - Generally, a fic that is canonical or genre-based, where romance is not the main focus of the story. G, PG, or R.
BEST HET FIC - A fic that features a het pairing. G, PG, or R (or equivalent rating).
BEST NC-17 HET FIC - A het fic that is rated NC-17.
BEST SLASH FIC - A fic that features a slash pairing. G, PG, or R.
BEST NC-17 SLASH FIC - A slash fic that is rated NC-17.
** BEST FIC FEATURING AN UNUSUAL PAIRING -- A romantic fic that features characters who are not usually romantically linked in fic. Any rating.
** BEST OT3 FIC -- A fic that explores the romantic relationship between three (or more) characters. Any rating.
** BEST FUTURE FIC - Any fic set in the future, on or off the island. Any rating.
** BEST AU FIC - A fic that takes place in an alternate universe. Any rating.
** [Several of these were formerly in combined categories. If there are not enough individual nominations, voting may end up being combined again.]
BEST SERIES - A fic with multiple installments, or sequels. Any rating.
BEST HUMOROUS FIC - A fic that is funny! Any rating.
OUTSTANDING FIRST FIC - Must be the author's first foray into Lost fandom. Any rating.
AUTHOR OF THE MONTH - No nominations accepted for this category. Results will be drawn statistically from the voting in all other categories.
BEST DRABBLE -- Best fic that is (approximately) 100 words. Single, double and triple drabbles can be nominated, but the total fic cannot be more than 300 words. Any pairing, any genre, any rating.
SPECIAL CATEGORY (MOD'S CHOICE) -- For this month, the special category is SUMMER FICS. Any fic on or off the island that makes you think of summer, whether it involves sunbathing, swimming, or whatever as long as it has never won an award previously. (Next month's category is going to be Vacation and Road Trip fics so if you are thinking of nominating a fic that suits that category better, you might want to save it for next month!) This category is any rating.
Please note: There is NO Best Crossover Fic category this month but it will be rotated back in the next round or two of voting. Crossover fics are still eligible to be nominated in other categories.
General Nominating and Voting Guidelines:
1. You may nominate fics in all or just one category, but just one nomination per category per month.
2. Do not vote for yourself.
3. All fics must relate to LOST. They may contain OCs or be AU, but must either have characters from LOST or be based on the concept of LOST.
4. Include fic title, author, and link to story when nominating and specify which category you are nominating in.
5. Fics and authors do not have to be on LJ.
6. Fics can be new or old - as long as they have not previously won in any category.
HERE is the list of previous winners. Fics that have been previously nominated but not won may be nominated again.
7. You do not have to join the comm to nominate or vote.
8. You may vote in all or just one category.
9. All voting and nominations are done via screened comments to preserve anonymity.
10. Fics nominated in multiple categories will be considered in the category where the largest instance of nominations exist. In the instance of a tie, the moderators will read the fic and choose a category accordingly.
11. Please do not nominate fics that are f-locked. If you would like to nominate a locked fic, please ask the author first if they wouldn't mind unlocking it.
12. Going forward, winner's banners will only be made for people who request them since several banners have gone unclaimed in the past.
If you don't know where to find fics for various categories, may I suggest:
lost_slash, and
lost_femmeslash for starters. A lot of great drabbles were recently written for Lost Riffs at
lostsquee. Here's a