Title: A Gift From Chaar
ultharkittyFandom: Transformers G1, Season 3
Characters/Pairings: Rodimus, Blurr, Wheelie, First Aid, ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: author chooses not to warn.
Notes: written for
dark_fest, to this prompt: Transformers, any Autobot, Manchurian Candidate: an Autobot is captured by the Decepticons, tortured, brainwashed, and then
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Comments 2
I'm not sure why but this is one of my favorite lines:
"I miss you," Rodimus blurted. He grinned and looked away, embarrassed by his own sincerity. Blurr stared at him, and rubbed his wrists.
It's just sort of heartbreaking but also sweet, it makes me hurt for them both in different ways :(((
inappropriate icon: go! also whoa, first time I've read fic in months \o/ but how could I not~~
(Oh Roddy! So awkward and so adorable :D)
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