A Wild Writing Meme Appears...

Nov 15, 2016 17:12

Quickly, in my temporary break from Yuletiding, & in the continuing spirit of creating small nice things, let's see if I can manage some ficlet-y goodness before I return to editing and treating...

Take a pairing (or two or more characters), and put them in this random generator, then post your favourite resulting prompts (as many as you wish) in a comment below and I will try to oblige you by writing at least one of them.

As the generator only uses an "/" I'll assume you meant me to ship the pairing/moresome unless you tell me otherwise, so do note if you wanted gen/platonic/whatever. (Which doesn't, of course, prevent my results turning out accidentally gen anyway, but at least I know which to aim for.)

And while I've no objection at all to crossover pairings, please none where it requires time travel if neither canon has that as an option. (I have burned out on this temporarily at least. Even for B7, there's only so many times you can claim Orac accidentally invented time travel when bored. Well, possibly not, but spare me this meme round!)

*looks round at flist hopefully*

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish nonsense, meme, random generators

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