Fic: The Last Time

Dec 14, 2015 13:38

For reasons, I find myself very short of brain again (replies to posts and comments coming whenever as a result) but I also found I'd completed two 500 Prompts ficlets a few weeks ago, so here's one of them. You might even get the other later, too...

Title: The Last Time
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 303
Characters/Pairings: Jo Grant, Third Doctor
Notes/Warnings: None. Fluff.
Summary: Jo’s had enough, absolutely, definitely, for real this time.

For romanajo123 in the 500 Prompts Meme: 015 - Last time - Jo Grant.


“This is the last time!”

The Doctor turned around to see Jo Grant, knee deep in a puddle of the rather interesting purple mud they had in these parts, hands on hips and doing her very best to give him a fierce glare. As usual, it wasn’t very frightening.

“Well, it would be a good idea if you looked where you were going, wouldn’t it?” he said, helping her out.

She hung onto him. “Thank you, Doctor,” she said breathlessly. “And that wasn’t what I meant - I meant that this is the last time I am ever going anywhere with you in that TARDIS of yours! Every time we do, we end up locked up, chased by horrible things, falling into swamps - urgh! So this is absolutely, positively the last time!”

“Oh,” said the Doctor and gave her his best crestfallen look, while putting his arm around her and making sure she didn’t step into the very next mud pool in their path. “Oh, dear. Well, that’s a shame, isn’t it?”

“Is it?”

He said, “Well, I really have been meaning to take you to Metebelis 3 - and you’d love fifty-second century Venus. But if this is the last time, I suppose I’d better take you home and you can get on with making tea for the Brigadier.”

“Maybe just one more time,” said Jo, and then couldn’t hold her scowl against laughter any longer.

“You won’t regret it.”

Jo hugged him. “Oh, I expect I will, but never mind. Tell me all about Venus, Doctor.”

It was going to take them a while to walk back to the TARDIS, thought the Doctor. They probably had the time for him to tell that one about the Venusian Aikido Academy and the trouble he’d had with the Martian ambassador and that missing perigosto stick…


Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

fannish scribbles, doctor who, third doctor, jo grant, 500 prompts, ficlet

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