Obscure & British Commentfest 2015

May 16, 2015 09:58

Welcome to the Obscure & British comment fest III! This is a comment fest for any small(ish) British fandom and open to all fanworks.

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comment!fest, obscure & british

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Wriiting my own prompt because I couldn't resist john_amend_all May 18 2015, 21:30:01 UTC

As he paddled to the shore and prepared to climb out, Jamie's heart sank. In the time since he had left his clothes in the quiet spot under the weeping willow, it was evident that there had been some changes. His kilt and jumper were nowhere to be seen; moreover, two attractive young women of his acquaintance had arrived, and were now taking a leisurely picnic.
"A little more cherry cake?" Victoria was asking.
"Oh, I shouldn't." Samantha's protest was clearly a matter of form; even as the words left her mouth, her hand was closing around a slice. "Did you make it yourself?"
"I did," Victoria said modestly.
"It's very good."
"The cherries have all sunk to the bottom. I don't know why that happens."
"My mam rolls 'em in flour." Samantha glanced in the direction of the river. "Hey, Jamie, what are you doing in there? Come out and have a bit of Victoria's cake."
At the mention of cake Jamie took a step forward, but came to a halt with the water lapping around his waist. Blushing, he mumbled something.
Victoria sipped at her lemonade ( ... )


2/2 john_amend_all May 18 2015, 21:30:23 UTC

"Oh, I'm gonna remember this forever," Samantha sighed.
Victoria was fanning herself with a folded napkin. "I feel quite overcome."
"Right. Yeah." With a visible effort, Samantha pulled herself together. "Our turn. Here's my jacket."
She pulled her jacket off and tossed it to Jamie. Rather than try to wear it properly, he draped it around his shoulders.
"Now your turn, Victoria," Samantha said.
Victoria, who was still fanning herself, jumped. "Oh! Yes, by all means. Jamie, would you mind turning your back?"
"Hang on!" Jamie protested. "How come you're allowed to see me in the altogether but I've got to look away?"
"'Cos you're a gentleman and we're not," Samantha said triumphantly.
This logic being unassailable, Jamie averted his gaze.
"Would you help me with these ribbons, please?" Victoria asked.
There was a rustle of fabric. Then Samantha's voice said sharply "Jumping Jiminy!"
"Whatever is the matter?" Victoria's voice asked.
"It's just... I'd never have expected you wore those under all that Victorian stuff. Not in a ( ... )


Re: 2/2 lost_spook May 19 2015, 13:05:19 UTC
Very amusing! :-)


Re: 2/2 john_amend_all May 19 2015, 18:59:19 UTC


Re: 2/2 liadtbunny May 19 2015, 14:45:41 UTC

"'Cos you're a gentleman and we're not," Samantha said triumphantly.

This logic being unassailable, Jamie averted his gaze. Ha!


Re: 2/2 john_amend_all May 19 2015, 18:59:58 UTC


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