December Talking Meme

Nov 18, 2014 12:22

This has been doing the rounds again, and it was such fun last year to read everybody's posts, so i'm really looking forward to that again! I have decided to attempt to do it myself and hopefully not drop out this time. However, I definitely wouldn't be posting every day in December (or any month), so just give me a topic and I'll post on it any time between now and January. (If you specifically want to request a date for some reason, go ahead, except not between 22nd-31st Dec.)

Give me a topic, and I'll ramble on. It can be anything from fandom-related (specific characters, actors, storylines, episodes, etc.) to life-related to whatever you want.

They may be brief, or not, depending on the subject. Also, I reserve the right to decline prompts that I don't feel equipped to meet.

1. Foreign travel, fannish or real life - oonaseckar
2. Favourite plot twists - jaxomsride
3. Your surprise ship - the pairing you didn't expect to ship... - persiflage_1
4. A crossover you're dying to write - a_phoenixdragon
5. Pets - lindahoyland
6. You're obliged to spend some weeks on a desert island. Which fictional characters would you want to accompany you? -
7. shows you'd like to watch in 2015, that exist on DVD(heh), if you had the time and money? - liadtbunny
8. Music - flowsoffire
9. The gadgets you can't live without - sallymn
10. The books you re-read the most - paranoidangel42
11. The tag-tangle you never ever want to find in your bins -
12. Fanfic exchanges - elen_nare
13. Recent TV show I've watched (in the last year or so) - jjpor
14. Book-to-movie (or tv) adatpations you like? (Or didn't like, if you feel like ranting) - ramasi
15. Why not tell us more about the three musketeers, or you could talk about the NAs? -
16. Top three Amy Pond moments? - lokifan

In other news, I have just watched both those Alfred Burke film shorts and he was a murdering rotter in both of them, but they were pretty enjoyable overall. There will no doubt be pics at some point - and the best bit probably was the bit where he was on the bed with the gun and the bow tie and the dodgy wallpaper.

But, yeah, he was a nasty piece of work, times two. What did I say? (I know my character actors.)

(I'm not now wondering what he gets up to in the other two Edgar Wallace films he was in.*)

(*I lied. Yes, I am.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

talking meme, alfred burke, 1960s, edgar wallace mysteries, meme

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