Oh, no, not another meme!

May 27, 2009 20:48

Belatedly, and against my better judgement, I've decided to run with this meme, taken from both
clocketpatch and jjpor. (After all, I did make requests of both of them...)

Give me two characters from different fandoms you know I'm familiar with, and I'll give you a dialogue happening between the two of them. Without justifying how the crossover would work, how their worlds clashed or how they could even meet each other. Just a silly crossover conversation with no backstory, for fun.

For something like this, I'm willing to do almost anything I've seen/read reasonably often or at least retain some definite memory of. (It's a long story, but I've attempted more insane things elsewhere, for characters I know NOTHING about... And got away with it, too. *blushes*)

So, here goes, but anything I've mentioned here before is fair game.

Doctor Who (pretty much any)
Buffy & Angel
ST - but only Voyager, I'm afraid.
Carry On films
Allo Allo
Dungeons & Dragons (The cartoon!)
The Mummy
Gosford Park
Love Actually
Red Dwarf
The Brittas Empire
On The Up
Poirot & Miss Marple
New Tricks
Life on Mars & Ashes to Ashes
Chalet School series
Diana Wynne Jones (well, I'd have a stab)
Anne Perry books
I know Discworld, but I'm feeling wimpish about making the attempt...
...But for the moment at any rate, I can get away with Blandings (PG Wodehouse) &, so I'd have a stab at  Jeeves and Wooster, too.
Georgette Heyer
Harry Potter
Press Gang
Wilkie Collins (esp. The Moonstone & The Woman in White)
Jane Austen
Charlotte Bronte
I have read / read an awful lot of 'classics', plus for work-reasons, I read a huge amount of teen and children's books, so try me if you think of something.   
While You Were Sleeping
Hmm, Ive already done one crossover with The Two Ronnies, so I suppose that should go in here, too...
Star Wars
Adrian  Plass
I Capture The Castle
Fairy  tales

I think that's more than enough bizarre things, isn't it? Let's hope it hasn't scared everyone away!!!

*wonders if I will regret this*

doctor who, prompts, fannish nonsense, meme, crossover meme

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