Title: Undead United
lost_spookRating: All ages
Word Count: 417
Characters/Pairings: Zafar Younis, Charley Pollard (slight Zaf/Charley)
Notes/Warnings: AU. (Possible vague spoilers for Big Finish and Spooks S6)
Summary: Zaf and Charley, still alive (just) and saving the world. Spooks/Doctor Who crossover for
belantana who prompted: Charley and Zaf meet again, because I totally shipped them in the first of your fics I ever read. in the
Prompt me Post ages ago.
I wrote this at the time, but couldn’t get it to make enough sense, but when I looked at it again, I thought maybe it didn’t need to make any more sense, not for an AU snippet. (I'm going back through my last notebook. There will probably be other strange fragments and suchlike.)
“Not that I want to be ungrateful,” said Zaf as he and Charley threw themselves down behind a low wall, alien laser fire shooting over their heads. “I’m just thinking I might have been better off where I was. How many times have you nearly killed us both already?”
“That’s not even funny.”
Zaf grinned at her, and they edged their way along the ground. He risked a glance behind them. “Any minute now -”
There was a large explosion behind them and the firing finally ceased.
“Well, thank goodness for that,” said Charley, and leant back against the wall. “It worked!”
“I know my explosives.”
“Anyway,” said Charley, returning to their other topic of conversation without a pause, “it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know those lizard things would be hostile. And everything else sort of… happened.”
Zaf sat next to her. “Like it usually does. My dear old Mum warned me about girls like you. I should have listened.”
“And you didn’t mean that, did you?” Charley asked, all in earnest now, as she tried unsuccessfully to rub dirt off her face. “About me leaving you, when I found you. I - gosh, it really wasn’t the moment to stop and ask.”
“No,” said Zaf.
“I couldn’t have left you,” she said, still serious. “What they’d done - Well. It’s too horrid to talk about.”
“I mean, no, I wouldn’t rather you’d left me where I was,” he said, smiling at her. “And, no, okay, let’s not.”
Charley grinned in relief. “Good. Us sort of supposedly dead people should stick together.”
“Couldn’t agree more,” Zaf said, and put his arm around her. “Although you haven’t exactly explained that or a whole lot of other things -”
“I know. It’s awfully unfair and all that, but I can’t - not yet.”
“That’s okay.”
“One day,” she said. “But for now - we got them, didn’t we?”
Zaf looked at her. “We did. Although I don’t understand why you can’t manage to go for a walk without getting chased by lizards who want to take over the galaxy.”
“Sorry. It seems to be a habit I picked up from someone,” said Charley, and stared upwards at the sky for no reason that he could tell, but, as she did, she held onto his hand tightly.
“Hey, it’s okay. Suits me fine. I’m a spy - I’m in love with danger.”
“Still,” said Charley, after she’d kissed him for that, briefly, “I’ll jolly well try and be more careful in future, I promise.”
Crossposted from Dreamwidth --
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