Love's Memory

Jan 21, 2008 22:18

Title: In a Moment
Author: lil' ole me
Fandom: Robin Hood; post 2x13
Characters: Will, Djaq; mentions of outlaws
Pairings: Will/Djaq
Rating: E
Summary: Will looks back on his stolen moment.
A/N: Written for the ficathon over at 
will_djaqcos I'm that cool. (I don't know.. I'm pudding deprived and listening to J-Pop...) So yeah! Enjoy, tis a little *spining round in circles*ish... possibly slightly emoish too. But anyway... *shifty eyes* I'll be quiet now! :-#

In a Moment

In just one moment, you can forget the world. Djaq taught Will that. With one single action. It happened when they were still in England, living in Sherwood Forest on the outskirts of Nottingham. They were trapped in a barn, all of them; Robin, Much, Little John, Will and of course Djaq. Mercenaries had them surrounded, throwing taunts and jibes.

Will had really feared for his life that day. All the talk of not seeing tomorrow made his heart quicken, his life suddenly felt so empty. He’d never see his brother again, someone who’d be left with no one; he’d never really make amends with Allan; he’d never be able to avenge his father and there was Djaq. He’d never feel her cold hands touch his again, he’d never see her smile - the one that lights up her eyes - and he’d never get the chance to tell her how he really feels.

Things had calmed down towards the evening, and they’d decided to celebrate Robin’s birthday and their last night in style. Will joined in, if a little half heartedly for those thoughts were still spinning around his head. Yet he hadn’t spoken those words. Not until Djaq had suggested the Saracen tradition.

It reminded him of a game he’d played with the other Locksley villagers his age, late on the summer nights in an old abandoned barn - much like the very one he’d sat in. They had to answer a question honestly, often embarrassing questions - but where was the fun otherwise? - and if they didn’t answer the question they had to do a forfeit.

Djaq’s game was mostly similar, just without the forfeits and embarrassment. He’d been planning what he was going to say when it was his turn;

“Joining the forest was the best thing that ever happened to me. I could have gone to Scarborough with my father and he might be alive today, but I would have regretted it. Robin, thanks to you, I’ve done so much. I really feel like I’ve helped Nottingham.

“But, the forest, you guys… you’ve helped me become who I am today. Though, one of you has helped me more.” He’d have been looking at the fire until this point. Right now would have been when he looked to her, the woman he loved. “Djaq… I… There are only a few words to describe how I feel towards you, and believe me I’ve been looking for the right words to say for a long time now. You’ve taught me so much, and I’m not just talking about what you’ve told me of your ways. I… You… You’ve taught me how to love, maybe without even realising.”

He’d have gone to her, taken her small, skilful hands in and looked deep into her eyes. “Djaq, I love you.”

But she’d beaten him to it. When she said it, those three words, Will had never felt more alive, despite death waiting for them in the morning. And she told him in a far better way than he ever could have. He’d smiled, from ear to ear. But there wasn’t so much as a stolen glance that night. They’d had planning to do and silent farewells to their world to make.

But that all went, vanished from Will’s mind, when they finally had their stolen moment. The kiss, that kiss, the one she gave him on a spur of the moment. They were about to open the doors to certain death, but she stopped them. Djaq stopped them, to share her first, and what she presumed to be her last, kiss with the man she loved.

And in that kiss the world seemed to fall away. Nothing mattered anymore. Mercenaries? What mercenaries? There were no mercenaries surrounding them. There weren’t even any outlaws. It was just him, Djaq and an infinite of time that was all theirs.

The world didn’t matter, because they were having their moment.

robin hood, fic, challenge response

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