Someone stole our Obama for President sign from our yard last night. They stole nearly all the Obama signs in our neighborhood. The ones they didn't take they spray-painted black.
So I made this sign today and staked it in the yard. It is five feet wide and made out of foam-core board I had left over from making studio lighting for my photography. I fully expect the sign to be trashed by morning. At least they know the result of their pranks: we give more money to Obama's campaign.
I cut off the bottom of my original sign because Jimmy thought it was embarrassing. I simply wanted to put the message into words they (McCain supporters who are redneck enough to steal my Obama sign) would understand. But at Jimmy's request, I removed that portion and simply put an Obama sign underneath. I think it turned out better without the bottom.
This totally interrupted my day; I didn't eat lunch and I didn't get half of my work done. However, I definitely think this was worth most of my afternoon.
Just remember, every time you steal an Obama sign, we win. You indirectly cause more money to be donated to the Obama campaign and you make McCain seem even weaker.