A Week in the Life of losingntrnslatn (Day 2)

Jul 02, 2008 17:45

Day 1

07:55 2008.07.02
It's a bad sign when there's no cold Diet Pepsi for my drive to work. Pay no attention to the regular Pepsi taunting me with its emptiness...that was someone's cruel joke to me this morning.

07:56 2008.07.02
Another bad sign...I was apparently out of protein bars this morning.

08:12 2008.07.02
The last thing I see before going into work...because I am a professional geek.

13:15 2008.07.02
Yeah... Running late this morning, so I had to go out for lunch. We won't talk about the crazy drivers in the Tech Center.

14:02 2008.07.02
2 of the nearly a dozen bunnies running around our office parking lot. The coyotes and foxes should be arriving any day now.

17:05 2008.07.02
What am I doing with 2 dozen pool noodles the back of my car? You don't want to know. ;)

17:28 2008.07.02
Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

17:49 2008.07.01
Had to go into the Office of Boring Doom to play with the router so that I could chat tonight. I don't go in there much anymore, unless I'm sewing, or really stuck on writing something.

And if anyone wanted to see the next Picture Poster I took to work today...here ya go.

meme, witl, picspam

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