I've come to a conclusion. People are all the same in some manner. It doesn't matter who you are or how different you can possibly be from someone, you have at least ONE common thread. For example, you both wear clothes. There's a start. You both drink water. That's a necessity. There's TWO things any person has in common w/another person
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Comments 6
(i miss merowskees class... we could talk for weeks on the implications of zen... lousy trying to fit something qualitative into the quantitative ap environment... bah)
And yeah, I do quite miss Murawski's class. Often times I'll be here and think about how differently a subject would be going if only Murawski were there to lead the thought on it.
I think that despite the fact that I didn't much care for high school, or even school in general, for various reasons, Murawski's class will have been one of the best experiences of my life! He is just an amazing teacher. I feel bad that we kinda took advantage of him a bit at times, but in the end it all worked out...lol. There were some good memories there :) And to think, I wasn't even originally scheduled to be in that class...that would've been a tragedy.
And, the link-y thing info can be found here: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=75 :D
I'm happy to hear you liked them :) I know what you mean by the slow processing. I was going to buy a book full of zen sayings in addition to the cards but then I thought maybe I should just work on these ones I have for now and then consider more...lol. Cuz you are right, definitely intense!
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