I really don't remember it being this hard the last time.

Apr 09, 2010 23:59

So, I have a new internal hard drive and a new internal CD/DVD drive. (I also have a terminal illness - stupidity. Terminal, because either my own stupidity will kill me, or someone else will kill me to prevent the spread of what is obviously contagious stupidity.)

I have the new hard drive and disk drive connected to the innards of the PC. I found my Windows XP disc. The PC boots from the disk drive, I can tell the PC that I want to install a clean version of Windows. I get 5 min of the PC doing a whole 'Get Ready For Install' type process. I then get a message announcing that windows cannot find a harddrive to which it can install itself (or words to that effect). WTF people. WTF.

I checked the internet to see if the harddrive required a driver. Apparently not.

I tried every combination (I think) of cable select, set to master (single drive), set to master (dual drive) that I could think of, with the second harddrive connected, or not, as required.

I have run out of ideas. And also patience. I have to be up in about 7hrs.

Seriously. It should not be this hard.

Is it possible that I need drivers for other computer parts?

(This PC is not a standard out the shop pc. It's has parts of various ages and was put together and upgraded at various points by my Computer Guy.)

I am at the almost crying in frustration stage. Or I would be if I weren't so shattered.

flist as tech support

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