So in an effort to not be completely lame in my lack of posting, here are some extras as inspired by
thenyxie's Facts You Didn't Know about her Homework 'verse.
Here are Fifteen Winchester Family Secrets from my
Fox 'Verse.
#1) Dean sometimes worries that he'll be rendered obsolete by this newer, more turbo powered version of himself. What good is Dean Winchester, when there's a Dean-clone with super powers?
#2) Alec is a klepto. He doesn't mean to be, but when he sees something shiny, or something one of his family members might like... he takes it. If only to prove that he can. Some people starve themselves to reassert control in their lives, Alec steals your glitter pens instead.
#3) Since living with the Winchesters Alec has discovered that Dean's favorite color is red, Sam's is blue, and Alec sort of likes green. And it's okay to change his mind later. He never knew people had favorite colors. Everything at Manticore was gray.
#4) Sometimes John is grateful to the Pulse because its broken down society just enough that it's almost impossible to keep a public record anymore. As nervous as he was on his boys first day of school, he would be terrified to enroll Alec in a public school. Thanks to the Pulse, he won't have to.
#5) Alec is afraid of dreaming. He never knows what kind of nightmare he'll have.
#6) Alec has learned not to touch things. Instead he'll rub his thumbs across his fingers, all to remind him it's not okay to touch. Dean never learned this lesson and touches everything, and when touching isn't enough, he'll go ahead and lick foreign objects just to get a better idea of what they are. Sometimes Alec wonders if his urges to explore things with all five senses are less feline DNA, and more Dean DNA.
#7) Bobby makes sure to spend time with Sam. Just Sam. Bobby was a middle child too.
#8) John never realized how much he missed Dean’s blond hair until he saw Alec. Dean outgrew his blond locks when he was twelve. It felt like another part of Mary disappeared when Dean’s hair turned brown.
#9) The first time Alec closes the bathroom door while he showers, John wants to cheer. It’s the first hint that Alec is starting to realize what privacy is, and that Alec is allowed privacy as well.
#10) Sometimes Dean is happy the Pulse happened. Since it fried all the computers, Sammy can't hide as much from his family. Sometimes Dean hates the Pulse though because it decimated his porn collection.
#11) Alec still hates Bobby's dog.
#12) Sometimes Alec is afraid he’ll never grow. He realized he was smaller then the other ten year olds on the playground, and even though Dean assured him that he’ll get a really big growth spurt by the time he’s thirteen or so, Alec is afraid Manticore messed up his genetics for good.
#13) Alec hates when John asks his opinion. He's always worried that it's a test and if he answers wrong, he'll be punished. Luckily John doesn't ask too often.
#14) Alec hates hiding his barcode. He does it because John says he has to, but he forgets a lot of times that the barcode is supposed to be a secret. Alec thinks John is ashamed of it, but he's always liked his barcode. It's the only thing that is completely and one hundred percent him. Everything else was borrowed from someone or something else.
#15) John loves taking the boys into town because that’s the only time Alec will call him "Dad."
Next story in this series - "Just Another Day at the Park"