Title: A Different Sort of Family Reunion (3/5)
gioiamiaRating: PG
Characters: Rose, Ten, Jenny
Word Count: 1,918
Summary: The Doctor and Rose encounter someone from the Doctor's past. Can they unravel the mystery that surrounds her in time to keep her safe?
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
A Different Sort of Family Reunion: Chapter 3 )
Comments 11
Love the chapter. It is, of course, appropriate, that the Doctor would try to get info from the big bad alien, and Rose would be the one to get it from Jenny herself. They make a good team that way :D
LOL yes, they make a great team. Plus, I really thought that Jenny would probably be more comfortable talking to Rose than the Doctor. It:s the whole mother thing. Plus you just know the Doctor wanted to beat up the Alien who was trying to get at his daughter. LOL
I also loved the idea of the aliens having motivation beyond just being evil or nasty. Their entire existence is being threatened - it makes things more interesting!
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading! :)
"So you're kind of like…" Jenny hesitated, biting her lip nervously as though debating whether she should continue or not. "…my mother?"
My heart completely melted at this.
And the Doctor has to be stoic and brilliant whilst he probably wants to have a bit of a cry.
And cliff hanger. noooooo
Poor Doctor. His heart must ache for Jenny. But at the same time he's DELIGHTED that he's found her again and that she's alive.
I know, mean, evil cliffhanger. Luckily you get part 4 later tonight :)
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