Title: What's to Come is still Unsure(2/16?)
lorelaisquaredRating: PG-13
Characters: TenII, Rose, Jackie
Word Count: 3727
Beta: The incredible
cookie2697 Summary: Part One in an epic love story spanning time and space: When the Doctor abandons Rose in Pete's world with his counterpart, they must learn to live without him. Slowly they build a life together that
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Comments 40
This is one of my favorite chapters, probably because - as pointed out above - it's so sweet and fluffy. It's where Rose and Ten II finally ... errr ... "fade to black" and wake up in each others arms *sigh!*, and where baby TARDIS is rapidly growing into adolescent TARDIS because of it.
I notice changes and additions here and there in the chapter; not being a writer myself, I'm fascinated by how tweaking a few words and adding more information makes a difference in how much smoother a story flows.
Awww I'm so glad you like this one. It is rather sweet and fluffy isn't it? LOL yes, the infamous "fade to black" ... perhaps one day I can be persuaded to write a missing scene fic that is NOT rated Pg-13... *g*... I love how you call it Baby!TARDIS and adolescent!TAARDIS... it makes me squee!
I was wondering if you'd notice the changes - well some are obvious - there are two entire scenes that weren't there at all before. I think I added almost 2 pages to this chapter in the end. I have an incredible beta who has a knack for picking out the places where I can push myself to make it *that* much better. I think I've really grown as a writer as a result. And isn't it amazing how little details can make a huge difference? The power or words...
*hugs* thanks... :)
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Yes! I love the Ood too! I'm glad you're enjoying their appearance.
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