Top 5 favourite moments from my fandoms

Aug 07, 2009 01:48

In response to this meme, rumpelsnorcack wanted to know my top 5 favourite fandom moments. But I'm only allowed to pick one from each fandom because she's mean :P.

My top 5 fandom moments, Warning: Spoilers for Gilmore Girls, Doctor Who, Charmed, Harry Potter and Buffy )

fandom, buffy, gilmore girls, doctor who, charmed, meme, harry potter

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Comments 16

rumpelsnorcack August 7 2009, 09:56:08 UTC
awwww, I love it. That is one of my favourite HP moments (cause you know I'm all about the Harry and Ginny, lol), and you gotta love Xander power (I mean, one of my kids has Xander as a middle name). Even my hubby gets emotional at that DW scene, and while I don't know the others, they both sound awesome.


lorelaisquared August 7 2009, 16:51:15 UTC
Really? I'm shocked? You like Harry and Ginny? *is flummoxed* LOL. I didn't know that one of your kids had Xander as a middle name! Or that you liked Buffy. How did I not know this? All 7 seasons of Buffy sit on my shelf next to Gilmore Girls! :) I love the Xan Man. The only other thing that's ever made me cry for as long as Doomsday was the ending of HP7 - only instead of heaving sobs, that was quiet, continuous sobs through the final 100 pages or so of the book.


rumpelsnorcack August 7 2009, 18:55:21 UTC
Yeah, I keep that Harry/Ginny thing pretty close to the chest, lol. And yes my big boy's middle name is Xander. He was nicknamed 'The Buffy baby' when he was little because his first name is of an actor from the show (that was unintentional, but nevertheless), and I too have all 7 seasons sitting on my shelf. We are currently making our way through them as it's been years since we watched. The ending of Harry makes me ache. I've never cried over it, but I never fail to feel it intensely. My poor Harry's walk to the forest always gets me :(


lorelaisquared August 8 2009, 00:37:19 UTC
Weird. For some reason, it took five hours for this notification to get to me. Very strange. Awwww I can totally see why they'd call your eldest the Buffy Baby. I should start rewatching that show too. It's been quite a while. Maybe once I have my couch. Have you seen all of Angel as well?

Yes, the walk into the forest is on of the most heartwrenching of literary scenes.


cookie2697 August 7 2009, 17:10:57 UTC
Dude, you could have copied that blurb on Doomsday from my head, and pasted it into your LJ. That's EXACTLY how it is for me too. I always see these people in fandom who have huge problems with Doomsday and wish it never happened, and I'm like, "Okay, but...I would have NEVER joined fandom without Doomsday. That was what sucked me in."


lorelaisquared August 7 2009, 17:43:40 UTC
LOL. I seem to have this strange habit of sharing brains with people LOL

EXACTLY! It's what turned my like of Doctor Who into LOVE for Doctor Who. The Day after I saw Doomsday I was so sad. It was as though I was mourning a real person. I think it says something about the quality of the show that it gave me such an intense response. And it kept me watching through Season 3 (which was painful for me the first time through - I appreciate it more with rewatchings) because I wanted to know what happened to Rose.


cookie2697 August 7 2009, 20:08:01 UTC
Oh no, let me tell you MY story! LOL! I watched Doomsday and the next morning, after sobbing all night, I got up and met a friend for a 10am showing of Harry Potter 5. At the beginning of that movie, they ride past Canary Wharf on broomsticks, and I took one look at Canary Wharf and started bawling in the theater! NO JOKE!! So yes, I totally understand!

To me, that's a sign of great emotional stories - when they effect me so much that I just can't get past it. It's beautiful work.


lorelaisquared August 8 2009, 00:43:11 UTC
Oh my! I can see why Canary Warf would trigger that reaction. I still get teary anytime I see any images from either the scenes at Canary Wharf or the ones on Bad Wolf Bay. I actually haven't seen OotP since I've seen Doomsday. I wonder now if it will make me react. I'm so glad you understand and don't think I'm insane for it like some of my RL friends do.

I've always liked things that make me feel. Even if they are sad. It's what takes a show (or book) from being complete entertainment to real emotion - it builds a connection. That is the mark of brilliant work. It's one of the reasons I like Nicholas Sparks and authors like that as well.

PS- Something is up with LJ notification emails. I never got one for this at all. I only noticed your response because I happened to come on when another friends message arrived FIVE hours after she posted it. Grrr.


teruel_a_witch August 7 2009, 22:02:12 UTC
aww, little squee for Charmed, I think it's the only tv-series I watched from the beginning till the end(occasional Russian poorly made ones because I was bored and haven't got Internet don't count *g*), and I loved the ending so much because it made everyone happy <33 Hell, I practically grew up on Charmed reruns on TV and quite possibly the word "witch" from my username comes from there, even though I haven't seen the show for years now :D Who was your favorite sister ( ... )


lorelaisquared August 8 2009, 00:49:19 UTC
Hee. I loved Charmed. For years it was almost impossible for me to watch it because in Canada they kept switching channels and times so I dind't get to see the first 7 seasons properly until they came out on DVD. I was able to see Season 8 live though and I'm so glad. It really was one of the best endings ever. And it was a bit of a miracle since they almost cancelled the show after Season 7. It makes me wonder what Gilmore Girls would have been able to do if they'd been given the chance at an 8th season. My favourite sister was Piper. I love her! Although I also adore Pheobe, but I always related more to Piper. (The love story between her and Leo was one of my favs ( ... )


teruel_a_witch August 8 2009, 14:05:25 UTC
For years it was almost impossible for me to watch it because in Canada they kept switching channels and times so I dind't get to see the first 7 seasons properly until they came out on DVD.
well, I was lucky because they always were broadcasted by the same channel(it's also the same one that introduced me to DW more than 3 years ago), only time changed but it was still suitable for me to watch so I watched it as much as they were shown and never got bored of re-runs*g* I don't think official DVDs of Charmed were ever produced here, only ones by pirates *gg* I watched it always on TV because I hadn't unlimited Internet to download at the time so it was always maddening to wait until every new season was translated, especially if there was a cliffhanger in the end of previous season, imagine how it was that I had to wait more than a year between season 3 and 4, it was the most aweful cliff in Charmed ever(well, and practically the only one *g*)and they broadcasted seasons 1-3 twice of thrice before season 4 aired, teases*grr*

And it ( ... )


lorelaisquared August 10 2009, 06:13:02 UTC
I don't think official DVDs of Charmed were ever produced here, You're not missing much. The ones here had no special features and didn't even have scene selection or subtitles.

imagine how it was that I had to wait more than a year between season 3 and 4, it was the most aweful cliff in Charmed ever(well, and practically the only one *g*)and they broadcasted seasons 1-3 twice of thrice before season 4 aired, teases*grr* OMG that would be awful. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long.

Yeah, I remember that, I didn't like the ending of season 7 at all, it's much better in end of season 8)) Totally. The Season 7 ending was a bit of a cop out. I'm so glad they were able to overcome that and come up with a great final season and a satisfying finale.

I KNEW IT *g* Mine, too) She was just SO likable. It's hard not to adore her.

i remember that I watched Charmed really not because of pairings but because of dinamics between sisters, I really loved their connection and relationship, Power of Three indeed=) Yes, that's part of why I ( ... )


meremoon August 8 2009, 02:40:10 UTC
You are 100% right about GG - the dance was absolutely the best moment. I have the Sam Philips CD and every time I hear "Reflecting Light" it makes my little heart go pitter-patter.

And I, too, was ultimately sucked into the DW fandom by the Doomsday ending, so it's still near & dear to my heart, but after getting hooked on the Eight audios - well, there are some incredible moments on them too.

And Harry Potter? I guess my age is showing here - watching teenagers snog each other honestly doesn't do much for me. My fave moment would be finding out the truth about Snape. I really, really hope they do it justice in the last movie.

Thanks for posting this, it was fun to think about!


lorelaisquared August 8 2009, 02:54:47 UTC
I'm so glad you understand about GG and DW. It was so tricky to pick a favourite moment for both of those shows because there is so much about both of them that I absolutely adore. There's a good reason they are both featured in my banner.

It wasn't the snogging so much as the fulfillment of that moment for Harry. After all his angst in the 5th book and after seeing his awareness of Ginny growing throughout the 6th I was so thrilled to see him get that great happy moment, especially considering how things changed for him after all that. I agree with you about Snape. I'm really hoping they do a lot justice in the last movie since the 7th book is my absolute favourite. Especially the last 100 pages. So much happens in such a short amount of time. And when I first read the book, I immediately went back to the beginning of the battle to read the ending again. That's how much I liked it (And on almost no sleep too, LOL)

This was a fun meme! Feel free to ask for your own top 5 list at this thread. So far this is the only question I've ( ... )


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