Advent Drabble December 5th -- Rainbow (Requested by Ninefiend)

Dec 05, 2012 10:00

There's still time to give me a prompt of your own! If you would like to leave me one, you may do so here.

Something from the Shakespeareverse with Viola and her dad? (Doctor Who | Rated G)

“Daddy!” Viola cried. “Can we make these?” She held out a crumpled piece of paper.

The Doctor took it. “You want to bake cupcakes?”

“RAINBOW cupcakes,” Viola said seriously. “We can surprise Mummy when we collect her from Grandma’s later.”

“Let’s do it!”

An hour later the TARDIS’s kitchen floor was covered in white powder whilst massive globs of multicoloured icing dripped off the counter, whimsically shaped sprinkles lay scattered across the table and the cupcakes baked in the oven.

Viola peered through the oven window. “Daddy? Maybe we should have put the icing on after they baked.”

series: shakespeareverse, doctor who, advent drabbles

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