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Comments 27

noybusiness November 27 2012, 02:41:23 UTC
Gold mentioned that he had a complicated relationship with Granny - interesting comment as we've yet to see the two of them in any scenes together back in FTL. I wonder if their history is somehow connected to her no longer changing into a wolf? Or perhaps he's responsible for their family becoming werewolves in the first place?

Perhaps he was the wizard who gave her the red hood?

Did anyone else think that Regina doing magic was a bit like…. chemistry…?

Willow did hers in the high school Science Lab sometimes.

The whole thing with the spinning wheel… So ridiculous and just basically WTF. Okay show. Well done. I enjoyed that but probably not in the way the writers intended. I basically found the whole thing hilarious

I think we're going to see how Aurora was cursed eventually. She alluded in "Broken" to there being more of a story there and to it having been a sacrifice on her part. So we'll see a spinning wheel curse again.

Also, is there a way to return a heart to it's owner? I sure hope so, because it would be awful if this ( ... )


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:35:36 UTC
Perhaps he was the wizard who gave her the red hood? I think that's probably a pretty likely possibility.

Willow did hers in the high school Science Lab sometimes. HA! True. And we've seen Rumpel do that kind of magic before too. I just thought it was funny that one of Henry's first real experiences with Magic was very scientific

I think we're going to see how Aurora was cursed eventually. She alluded in "Broken" to there being more of a story there and to it having been a sacrifice on her part. So we'll see a spinning wheel curse again.
Yeah. I've been waiting for that backstory since then. I'm sure it's coming but there are other stories to tell first. She also mentioned something about her mother being cursed before her so I feel like there's going to be a twist in the story we know, which is exciting.

I'm sure there is. Someone must have returned the heart to that unicorn. Really? I don't remember us seeing anything that would indicate that. Did I miss something.


noybusiness November 27 2012, 22:42:10 UTC
Well I presume, since Regina had the heart and didn't want to kill it.

The question is, is Aurora just a puppet or is Cora putting thoughts into her head unbeknownst to her? I mean, since it looks like Hook took her heart out while she was sleeping, and he went to the trouble of lying to her.


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:53:57 UTC
Except then I think Rumpel took the heart so I just assumed he did it after. I think perhaps it was left ambiguous. LOL

That's a good question. We know from Graham's situation that when Regina had his heart she had some measure of control over him (that he didn't understand) but he still had some control over his actions - like making Emma his deputy and such. We never actually saw her use him as a puppet the way we saw Cora do with Aurora. So what I'm thinking is that Aurora still has some measure of control, and she was certainly acting of her own accord when speaking to Hook, but Cora can control her completely when she wants to (and probably Aurora is oblivious). I'm hoping we'll get to see something where she becomes aware of it and tries to fight it because that would be awesome.


rpowell November 27 2012, 03:08:07 UTC
That netherworld does seem dangerous, but it's ridiculous to me that they instead went to such convoluted lengths when all they had to do was let Henry go back one more time to relay his message.

When Regina spotted the burns on Henry's arm, both she and Charming were adamant about preventing him from going back to the netherworld again. You have to see this from their point of view.


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:37:27 UTC
Oh yes, I knew that, and I get that. But at the same time it just seemed like such a complicated and contrived way to get back there that was basically unnecessary especially considering that whenever Henry goes to sleep he ends up there anyway. Also Charmings plan was stupid. Alas, I probably wouldn't have sent Henry back there purposefully either.


noybusiness November 27 2012, 22:44:34 UTC
considering that whenever Henry goes to sleep he ends up there anyway

Originally, yes, but partway through the episode it seemed like it changed to something he'd have to do intentionally, from the way they were talking about it.


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:49:42 UTC
I thought that was because he had set a specific time to meet Aurora again and that was why they had to put him to sleep manually instead of letting it happen naturally. (Aurora specifically stated that she was meeting him again in 2 hours.)


dragonstarlin November 27 2012, 22:09:01 UTC
Yeah, the Cora’s dead body comment perked my ears, clearly there is a story there we will probably get. Possibly some in the next episode ( ... )


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:48:02 UTC
Oh I hope we get some good Cora backstory in the next episode. I'm ready for it ( ... )


noybusiness November 27 2012, 22:55:15 UTC
Also, I don't think Emma knows yet that the dragon she fought was actually a person.

Regina did say, "I trapped her in another form," but it wasn't exactly the time or place for Emma to contemplate what that all meant, nor is it now.


lorelaisquared November 27 2012, 22:58:14 UTC
Ah yes, she did say that, but like you said, Emma was a bit distracted. I'm sure she hasn't realised exactly what happened there. Especially since she has pointed out since then that she fought a dragon but without any indication that she knew it was actually a person in that form (not really sure she'd even fathom that such a thing would be possible as the whole magic thing is still very new to her. )


chloris November 28 2012, 04:46:42 UTC
I have to say I really liked Cora's umbrella. It reminds me a bit of one Regina had back in a S1 flashback

Skin Deep I think! When she was talking with Belle. I love the parallels they have been dropping about Regina and Cora.

also made me realize that they haven't really shown any of her reaction to Henry's bout of unconsciousness until now.

Very true! Things have been so busy for Emma that she hasn't had a chance to process it until now. And I suppose being able to contact Henry, even if only by proxy, brought all her feelings back up to the surface.

Charming's face and the tone of Rumpel's voice as he told the story of how he was trapped was hilarious.

I loved Rumpel being both soothing and fatherly so as to comfort Henry and rather smug as he recounted how he locked himself up. And Charming did an excellent double take when he realized how he had been fooled.

LOL Charmings plan to put himself under the sleeping curse is the WORST PLAN EVER.

Yeah. I think we agree on this. :D

Did anyone else think that Regina doing magic ( ... )


lorelaisquared November 28 2012, 14:16:04 UTC
Ah yes! It was Skin Deep. I knew it was something I'd seen recently. (Well I've rewatched all of S1 and 2 recently so really it could have been anything LOL). SO many parallels between Regina and Cora. There have been some great tumblr gif sets of them out there that I love.

Very true! Things have been so busy for Emma that she hasn't had a chance to process it until now. And I suppose being able to contact Henry, even if only by proxy, brought all her feelings back up to the surface.
That's a good point. Also, it occurs to me that less time has passed for them than it has for us. I'm not 100% certain, but I think it's really only been a few days since they were sucked into FTL.

I loved Rumpel being both soothing and fatherly so as to comfort Henry and rather smug as he recounted how he locked himself up. I really loved that duality. It was perfectly played.

We've seen Rumpel's work room and all his bottles and powders and potions so I'm not at all surprised that at least some magic requires formulas and the scientific method. ( ... )


chloris November 28 2012, 18:26:25 UTC
One thing I love is that even though there are many parallels between the two and though Cora did her best to mold Regina into her image, Regina has the chance to break away from that now. She sees it now and is trying to make a different path for herself and create a different relationship with Henry.

More than a few days but probably less than a month. (We know it was less than a month in Child of the Moon.) I'm thinking based on how many days we've seen pass that it's been 2-3 weeks. At some point soon they are going to have to have a time jump and skip a few weeks or more or the whole season is going to take a couple of months at the most! You can't do that with a child actor.


lorelaisquared November 28 2012, 22:13:15 UTC
I love that too. Although I also love that we saw Regina fight against becoming like her mother at first and that she didn't actually seem to realise HOW like her mother she had become until she had that talk with Henry in "We are both". I think that was really her turning point. She'd gotten so wrapped up in her quest for vengeance against Snow that she'd lost sight of who she had wanted to be. I love seeing her consciously make different choices now. It's compelling and interesting and it makes her character have so much more depth ( ... )


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