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Comments 13

rodlox October 22 2012, 08:01:54 UTC
So...it was Gold who closed the library?

as for the "New Curse"...my mind keeps going back to the boundary of the town. (if the boundary was already in place, who put the tunnel there?)

excellent points.


lorelaisquared October 23 2012, 00:57:30 UTC
So...it was Gold who closed the library?
No, I'm pretty sure that was Regina. Gold told Belle in this ep that when he heard about her interest in reopening the library he "tracked down the key" for her.

Oh I do think the Boundary is part of this new curse. What I want to know is WHO made this second curse and why wasn't Gold aware of it? Was it Regina? Or someone else?

excellent points.

Thank you


rodlox October 23 2012, 01:21:18 UTC
>Gold told Belle in this ep that when he heard about her interest in reopening the library he "tracked down the key" for her.
well, to be fair, what was he going to tell her if he'd had the key all along? "I dug this out of my sock drawer for you"?

btw, ?what was the expression on Belle's face when she said that the meeting/key wouldn't mean they get back together & Rumplestiltskin said "that's not why I'm here"...I don't read faces well enough to know what was crossing Belle's mind.


lorelaisquared October 23 2012, 01:24:17 UTC
true, but I don't think he was the one to close the library since it was the library where the dragon form of Maleficent was hidden and it was Regina who hid her so I really think it's all Regina's doing. Whether that means that she had the key and Gold stole it or Emma had it after they went in there to get the true love potion is a mystery, either way I don't think Gold himself had it.

I'd have to watch again to be sure. I can't remember.


had a thought rodlox October 22 2012, 08:54:05 UTC
perhaps Regina was the filtering agent (or part of what selected who would stay behind)...people she knew would fight to defend FTL - but also had another qualification:

none of the people who stayed in FTL, are partisans or close friends of Snow White...Lancelot might've been the closest to that, and he met & helped Snow the once.


Re: had a thought lorelaisquared October 23 2012, 01:00:17 UTC
none of the people who stayed in FTL, are partisans or close friends of Snow White... True. But if that seems more like an oversight than anything else. Whereas that line implies that she definitely had a choice in who she cursed.

Lancelot might've been the closest to that, and he met & helped Snow the once. as far as we know...


Re: had a thought rodlox October 23 2012, 01:17:00 UTC
given that Maleficent(sp) seemed to live out in the middle of nowhere, with nobody near her...maybe it wasn't a matter of "who" so much as "where"? (the purple curse cloud seemed to more expand and spread, than to move in any particular direction)


Re: had a thought lorelaisquared October 23 2012, 01:24:57 UTC
Maybe. I don't know though. It seems like there's a choice given what Rumpel said.


chloris October 22 2012, 20:41:36 UTC
I think with the larger cast they are having to shift focus more often instead of giving everyone a little part. Also, Snow and Emma at least are in another world which makes it harder to integrate them with everyone else. I know I missed Rumpel last week so I guess it's all fair!

How cool was that moment when he went from Gold to Rumpel in the blink of an eye?

That was freaky. And I would love to see him do that for real. I also think it's cool that he has his magic no problem in Storybrooke. Even if it's smaller magic, I would want him to have figured out how to use it before he sold the curse.

LMAO at Gold basically asking Charming for dating advice. That whole conversation had me giggling.

This was made of awesome. I want more Charming&Gold bonding!

Okay moving on to the FTL scenes umm, most of my thoughts consist of Holy crap Hook is hot. LOL

Heh. Leather, long coat, eyeliner, swagger. What's not to like? He even has a righteous cause against Rumpel!

Loved that Hook went to Neverland! What I want to know though, since ( ... )


lorelaisquared October 23 2012, 01:05:39 UTC
I think with the larger cast they are having to shift focus more often instead of giving everyone a little part. Also, Snow and Emma at least are in another world which makes it harder to integrate them with everyone else. I know I missed Rumpel last week so I guess it's all fair! This is all true. It's a lot to juggle, and when they did 3 timelines last week the SB part did suffer a bit so I guess this is better storytelling. Thankfully I love Gold and Belle so I still really enjoyed this episode!

I also think it's cool that he has his magic no problem in Storybrooke. Even if it's smaller magic, I would want him to have figured out how to use it before he sold the curse. Oh that's a good point. He's clearly figured out how to use magic even though it's different here.

I want more Charming&Gold bonding! Oh god, YES PLEASE!!!!!

Heh. Leather, long coat, eyeliner, swagger. What's not to like? He even has a righteous cause against Rumpel! TRUE and now that he's paried up with Cora well, LOOK OUT! Eep!

I'm sure we'll get a ( ... )


noybusiness October 23 2012, 01:55:27 UTC
- I loved Belle and Ruby together. My new wish for this show is that they become proper BFF's 'cause so far the two of them are pretty awesome.

I concur!

- Hook's "real" name is Killian Jones? LOLOLOL I wonder what's significant about that.

I wonder if he's related to Davy Jones?

People on the TWoP board were complaining that "Dumb-Belle is such an idiot for taking Gold back just like that", which just baffles me. First of all, the reason she left was that he wasn't being forthright with her, and he finally spilled his guts in the library. Second of all, saying they could maybe have a burger sometime is not taking him back.


rodlox October 23 2012, 02:12:44 UTC
a date is a good step - its not diving in the deep end.

>Davy Jones?
I suspect he was on board Hook's ship the first time Rumplestiltskin was on board...maybe the second as well.


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