Phone tree rant

Nov 29, 2005 16:30

Okay... Here it goes.

World, pay attention

If you have someone on hold for more than 2 minutes. No matter how many times your automated voice tells us:
  1. You appreciate our patience
  2. Our call is important to you
  3. Your agents are busy helping other customers

It does not mean:
  • That you actually care about us beyond an income source
  • You appreciate anything ( Read more... )

the system, rant, phone trees

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Comments 2

Um... wednes November 30 2005, 00:52:36 UTC
"Foreign Morons?"

Not knowing exactly what you experienced, I feel compelled to mention that someone without a good command of english is not neccesarily a moron. The english language doesn't make much sense compared to other languages. And it's probably not their fault if they haven't been trained properly.

I don't mean to rant at you, but the term "foreign morons" kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I do share your frustration with the whole "your call is important to us" schtick. Of course if it were important to them, they'd be taking my damn call instead of supplying a recorded message about how much they respect me and value my business.


kinkyjesus November 30 2005, 16:58:07 UTC
The WORST part of it is the voice saying "Your call is important to us." After hearing that about 3 times I am ready to reach through the phone and trottle someone...

Of course, the anger does help in dealing with the idiiots on the other end of the line.


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