I am Aries, hear me roar

Apr 14, 2005 08:39

There is one feature about my mother I don't talk about often. It's a trait that annoyed me as a child. She had no respect for people who wouldn't follow her whims. She would more often than naught treat clerks badly. It was a "spoiled rich" mentality. She would be mean and she would climb the food chain until she got what she demanded ( Read more... )

personality, rant, aries

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Comments 9

azaz_al April 14 2005, 08:50:11 UTC
About a year and a half ago I got into a huge battle with this bill collection agency, which I won't go into great detail about, but essentially, their outsourced phone help made an error on a check by phone payment from me, thus making me bounce about 8 checks and costing me $200. Their response when I called was, you can't prove it, so it isn't our problem. I made myself a complete annoyance, complete with letters to the State AG and the Better Busineess Bureau, which eventually resulted in me getting a check for the amount of the fees I had racked up bouncing checks due to their error. It is very satisfying to win a battle with a faceless beauracracy. Tiring, but worth it in the end. Nothing wrong with fighting it, either.


anubis75 April 14 2005, 09:04:19 UTC
Fly the flag of No Quarter.


maeghanne April 14 2005, 14:36:55 UTC
Do you need a hug??


Please reread the tone of the above posting lordandrei April 14 2005, 14:50:51 UTC
Do you really want a direct answer to your question?


Re: Please reread the tone of the above posting maeghanne April 14 2005, 15:13:31 UTC
no need to insult me.. i was just trying to be nice.


No insult meant at all lordandrei April 14 2005, 15:26:23 UTC
The general idea was that the post above was written in basically a warlike and destructive state. The mind set was to destroy anything. The best suggestion is to help revel in the warlike mindset of wanton destruction ;)

Again, no insult meant ;)


dfiresto April 14 2005, 17:02:04 UTC
No apologies necessary. Many of us whom are calm under most circumstances will become advisaries one would never wish to meet when someone we love or care about is hurt or threatened.

Whatever the situation is, I hope victory is yours and they will think twice before ever messing with those whom are yours again.


aspasia93 April 16 2005, 03:14:03 UTC
whatever brought this on, strike hard & low, Brother! The Ohio King Test (tm) works best for me -- a good swift kick the shins will quickly prove whether or not your adversary be a king. Deliver whatever sort of "kick to the shins" may be appropriate. And I'll send ya hugs anyway ;-)


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