EMERGENCY: I Have been hacked

Apr 12, 2005 13:25

My Yahoo acct: life_magick@yahoo.co.uk has been hacked.
Please do not trust any mail from it until further notice

yahoo, aries

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Comments 18

tydestra April 12 2005, 13:29:18 UTC
Shit... you're the 2nd person TODAY that I know that got their account hacked.

I'm sorry >:{


oops brendan831 April 12 2005, 13:29:49 UTC
And I just sent you my credit card number.....damn!

(j/k, thanks for the heads up)


azaz_al April 12 2005, 13:37:37 UTC
same here :(


giaxcomo April 12 2005, 13:46:30 UTC
What? You mean I don't get to see boobies? (They're using the IM too)


azaz_al April 12 2005, 13:54:30 UTC
THat is how it works - you get an im that looks like it is from your friend, you see a page that looks just like the yahoo adult profiles page, you log in, and t tells you the server is down. You shrug in annoyance, not realizing they just got your password. People who have immediately changed their password after having this happen have escaped the asshole behind this scam - I unfortunately did not realize this had happened until the next day when I was locked out of my account.


schnookiemuffin April 12 2005, 14:33:04 UTC
Yeah, I realized right after I went to the page and saw the server was down. I went in to yahoo for real and changed my password right then. Hopefully I have been spared.


azaz_al April 12 2005, 15:12:15 UTC
If you were able to change your password, you are okay.


prizmdonna April 12 2005, 14:01:21 UTC
Ahhh. That explains the IM I just got.

Hope you can get the fucker/s shut down!

- donna


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