The thing in question is, almost certainly, rollin' a cigarette, seems t'me.
Reckon it's just as well it's just a cigarette, too. There's other things he's been doin', lately, but it just don't seem right to continue on with at least one've 'em without havin' a word with Dream.
Right handy, then, that Dream's here now, corporeally manifested an' everythin'.
Rabbit tips his hat, 'cause there ain't no call t'be disrespectful.
"There is a thing, y'see. And the thing has its original meanin', an' it's got th'ones as how I want it t'have, an' I don't reckon either you or me'd like it all that much iffen some o'them meanings went crosswise."
Comments 15
Reckon it's just as well it's just a cigarette, too. There's other things he's been doin', lately, but it just don't seem right to continue on with at least one've 'em without havin' a word with Dream.
Right handy, then, that Dream's here now, corporeally manifested an' everythin'.
Rabbit tips his hat, 'cause there ain't no call t'be disrespectful.
"Howdy, Dream," says Rabbit, says he.
Says Dream, with a raised eyebrow and a nod which is more or less returning the tipped hat.
"There is a thing, y'see. And the thing has its original meanin', an' it's got th'ones as how I want it t'have, an' I don't reckon either you or me'd like it all that much iffen some o'them meanings went crosswise."
He sounds amused by Rabbit's manner of speaking, and leans back in the chair (throne, stool, whatever) that he brought with him,
"And how would you go about keeping those meanings from crossing?"
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