Lora's Birthday 2019: Brutus & Eibhlin

Jul 28, 2019 00:20

ATTENTION: I am hiking on my birthday so I'm posting at midnight! Enjoy!

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fanfic:hunger games, prompt fill, fanfic, fanfic:hunger games:canon divergence

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Comments 6

winterpelt July 28 2019, 04:40:37 UTC
Oof, those last two paragraphs bowled me right over


lorata July 30 2019, 14:29:59 UTC
I may have been having Some Feelings that worked their way into this one by accident...


penfold_x July 28 2019, 18:54:28 UTC

Nah, not hurts, that’s too fresh, too sharp. Makes it sound like the pain is new. Though it does startle a bit, surprise him into sucking in a short breath, but it’s more like bumping into a corner of the desk and finding it already tender from an old bruise rather than stepping on a nail.

Brutus you have so much more going on upstairs than you give yourself credit for.

she wears one of Claudius’ stolen jackets like a statement

I'm picturing this and it's giving me every feeling. It's enormous on her but she doesn't care because it's warm and it has this indefinable just-the-right-smell that she's not registering on a conscious level. But she's got to roll up the sleeves to use it so it looks a little ludicrous on her.

There are articles about it now, talking about post-war Victor normcore sartorial trends, free from the shackles of conformity, when it’s all just exhausted, traumatized people in jeans and oversized sweaters You are legit just killing me with the ( ... )


lorata July 30 2019, 14:33:42 UTC
postwar victor normcore made me laugh-cry to myself when I thought of it so I am very glad you appreciated that line

I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THIS ONE, I was half afraid I was going to get yelled at for making a cute prompt into a sad one (lol) but this is legit where my feelings went to, so... ?? And I loved getting the chance to write them together again. They're such a delight. :D


penfold_x August 3 2019, 18:59:16 UTC
I was half afraid I was going to get yelled at for making a cute prompt into a sad one

TBF, this is a thing I have done, so I can see why you'd be concerned, but I thought this was a really touching piece that is quite hopeful rather than bittersweet.


kawuli July 30 2019, 15:18:00 UTC
ahhhhh yes writing over bad associations

ilu Eibhlin please take charge of giant men by force of will always thx


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