Advice, Advice - My Kingdom for Some Advice

Oct 04, 2007 22:48

OK - so I have a Marauders era fanfic that I've been meaning to post for ages - I set up a community for it and everything, because I was going to combine it with fanart - but I recently realised that there's just no way I'm going to have time for the illustrations unless I don't do any other art (which isn't going to happen). So I thought I should just start posting it anyway.  As I'm dropping the illustrations, I thought it might be a good idea to post it to a fanfic archive instead. Sadly I know sod all about them, I've read things on Fiction Alley and that looks good - but I thought maybe other people would have some suggestions.

Also - should I still post it to livejournal as well? And if yes, should I stick with the community idea (which seems a bit excessive now) or just post it here? Any opinions would be much appreciated.

Anyway, I did do some character sketches for the fic - some of which I've already posted - Regulus, Sirius, James, Peter and Remus. Here are two more - Frank Longbottom and Sybill Trewlawny - there are two more characters - Snape and Lily - but I really wasn't happy with the pictures so they won't be appearing yet.

Also - I've not been sleeping well at all for the last couple of months and this week has been particularly bad (in the last three days I had 8 hours sleep and never in longer than 3 hour stints) and I was looking stuff up about insomnia - that didn't fit my sleeping patterns at all, but something called DSPD (Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder) does - it basically means the body clock naturally fits into a late night cycle (i.e. going to bed between 2am - 4am and getting up at midday in my case, and being most alert and active in the evenings) and is apparently very difficult to adjust. This is fine normally as I still get adequate sleep but if I have early lectures or get a 9-5 job I'm messed up as no matter how tired I am I can't get to sleep until it's the right time for my body and I end up living on about 4 hours of sleep a night. Anyway, shall make a doctors appointment to see if they can suggest anything.

art, fic, frank, dspd, sybill

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