(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 22:50

OK - well the dissertation has been handed in. Two days early but I'd only keep fiddling with it and I've been feeling ill for a few days - so I just wanted to get it gone. Now I can sleep through the rest of whatever this illness is.

Otherwise I've mostly been good. Filled with squee about the Torchwood finale (so sad) and new Doctor Who (so much fun, so much silly, so much love). Got an 80 for the essay of doom and some really lovely comments (he called it remarkable) - so that was fantastic.

A few down points. My sister's having a hard time. Plus I was enjoying a H_E Doctor Who love in which rapidly descended into character bashing. I don't understand why it always ends up like that.

Anyway - I'm taking the weekend off. My friends are being awarded a brick on the Cavern Wall. Which is possibly the coolest thing ever, so we're all going to have a party. :D

Now here's some long promised HP art - an old entry from a HP contest. Regulus Black drawn in inks - I was really pleased with how this one turned out even if it didn't win.

art, regulus

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