Seth's Master Plan - Chapter 5

Jun 18, 2008 05:55

Special thanks to fredsmith518 for her assistance in finding an ending for this. She helped me to find a way out, and gets all the credit.

Dedicated to chazper for her sentence, and to mel39 for the challenge.

warning - sap alert )

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Comments 25

mel39 June 18 2008, 12:34:22 UTC
Hee, nice end. I want to see the picture. I can't believe Seth risked that after all he made Ryan do and how mad he knows he gets...


loracj June 18 2008, 20:01:49 UTC
Well, there's always room for a sequel at some never know.


finlee June 18 2008, 13:06:41 UTC
This is just such a cute fic. Poor Ryan, I hope his reward was fun!


loracj June 18 2008, 20:02:19 UTC
If it was Taylor, it should have at least been 'entertaining', right?


rach603 June 18 2008, 15:29:46 UTC
Very cute. I'm a sucker for the sap! :)


loracj June 18 2008, 18:28:12 UTC
Yeah, me too. Sigh. Thanks for reading.


60schic June 18 2008, 17:52:02 UTC
I too would prefer the pleasures of the flesh to a bagel breakfast. - hee! Your Taylor voice is sooooo good. As are your indirect love scenes.

He knew what it was like to be disappointed by your family. You never really got over it. He was stuck…again. --oh, SNAPS! You really know how to hit Ryan where he lives.

Excellent ending...except I thought for sure Ryan was going to demand that Seth over his phone to him.


loracj June 18 2008, 20:05:33 UTC
I think there's a little Taylor in all of us Addicts.
It appears I might have to write a sequel at some point, since some want to see Taylor's reward, and others want to know what happens to Seth's cell phone pic.


60schic June 18 2008, 21:24:49 UTC
Yes to both of those requests!


smc36 June 18 2008, 18:19:01 UTC
OH My God - I wish there were pictures of them all! (but especially Ryan).
Of course he'd do it for Sophie, but I'd still hold Taylor to that 'special' present.
Chrismukkah is June has been awesome.


loracj June 18 2008, 20:06:02 UTC
Thanks, S. It was fun.


mel39 June 18 2008, 21:05:13 UTC
Someone, some where, surely could photoshop a reindeer suit onto our boy. You would think.


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