The Bonding Of Noah Puckerman

Nov 09, 2009 21:25

Title: The bonding of Noah Puckerman
Rating: There's some swearing, but thats all
Pairing(s): Glimpses of Rachel/Quinn, and Brittany/Mike, but not really
Words: 2,175
A/N: So, this is kinda like....little drabble about how Puck bonds with each member of the glee club. I'm not sure, i may make it a series (like, the next one about quinn and the glee club raising the family or kurt introducing them all to his new boyfriend or something), but ill see how this goes. comments would be lovely!

1. Tina
Noah Puckerman was a stud, no doubt about it. Women fell in line, waiting to have their chance with him. He used them, played them, he knew it, they knew it. The one girl, however, that resisted his charms (hell, he even saw that Mercedes chick checking him out sometimes) was Tina Cohen-Chang. She wasn't a lesbian, he knew that (no one knew, but Rachel Berry wasn't the only kid with two gay dads, so his gaydar was pretty spot on- that and he'd seen Tina staring at Matt in English), but for some reason, she just didn't seem to care. No matter what he said or did, she wouldn't bat an eyelid. He could be an ass, he could be charming, he could be hilarious, and not once had she even spoken to him. So, one day after Glee practice, he followed her out to her car. As she reached the parking lot she stopped, sighed, squared her shoulders and, without so much as turning around, asked
"What are you doing, Puck?'

He stopped too, open mouthed, but then quickly recovered, and squared his jaw.

"why don't you like me?" He asked, the question slipping out before he could stop it. Tina turned.
"I said, why don't you like me? I don't think you've said a word to me, like ever."
"r-r-ight, and you've s-spoken to me oh so many times."
He sucked in a breath. Fair call he thought, before shrugging
"I dunno, we're not really friends, are we? Why should I?"
"well, why should i s-speak to you then? Are you so much 'cooler' than m-me that you wouldn't d-deign to speak to me first?"
"no, what, no! I just..i don't know, i guess I didn't notice that i didn't speak to you either"
She snorts, clearly not impressed.
"Look, I'm sorry I even asked you. It's just, I dunno, I always see you with wheelchair kid- (She looks angrier at this)- sorry, Artie, and Mercedes and you always have them in stiches and I dunno, I was interested in what you had to say. Or something. Um....Friends?"
He finishes timidly, extending a hand towards her cold face and tightly crossed arms. She examines him for a second, sussing out whether or not he's playing some mean joke before she decides he's sincere and lets a small smile grace her face before taking his hand and shaking, just once.

2. Artie
Wheelchair kid thought he was way cooler than he actually was, thought Puck harshly one day during practise. There he was, strumming away at his guitar with Brittany and Santana like he was friends with them or something. He snorted, but then noticed that Mercedes was staring at him, so he turned it into a sneeze/cough thing, hopeing he seemed like some sort or sick leper instead of a creep who snorts for no reason. She keeps staring though, so he coughs quietly again and makes his away over to Wheelchair kid and the others, hoping to escape her stare. They're jamming to something he's never heard before, although he quite likes it. They finish with a laugh, and he grins and says
"that was pretty good, what was it?"
Wheelchair kid, Artie, he thinks, looks up at him in surprise and mutters
"nothing, just something i wrote"
Puck's shocked, and it must show in his face, because santana jumps in with
"what, shocked that the kid in the wheelchair can do something better than you? jesus puck, you're a tool sometimes."
with that, she turns and storms out, brittany flashing him a look of disgust before following. he turns to artie, who just grins at him
"don't worry man, i know you dind't mean that. You were just shocked coz my song was so damn AWESOME!"
Puck grins. yeah, this kid thinks he's way cooler than he is. still....its cooler than me. he takes a seat next to Artie, and gestures at the guitar in his lap.
"You're not bad, i guess. How's that song go?"

From then on, every thursday after glee Puck gives Artie a lift home, and Artie in turn teaches him song on the guitar.

3. Mike and Matt
They've been on the same team forever, but to be honest, Puck couldn't have less to do with Mike Chang and Matt Rutherford if he tried. Sure, they go to the same parties, hook up with the same chicks (well, he and Matt do anyway, because Mike's had a crush on Brittany for like, ever), and do glee together, but they don't actually hang. Except for one akward steam room session with that April chick and Matt, he's barely actually spoken to them. That is, of course, until they get stuck in an elevator the night after Regionals. They were second, which of course crushed Rachel, so Quinn, in an attempt to both extend an olive branch and cheer her up, decided to host a party in thier shared hotel room. So, Mike, Matt and Puck pile into the elevator an it isn't until the lift's been stopped for a good 10 minutes that they realise they might actually be stuck. Mike (of course) starts panicking, freaking out and muttering (and by muttering he means yelling hysterically) about how theyre going to die without him ever being able to tell brittany how he feels and it's not until Puck shoves him forcefully against the wall and says "dude, shut the fuck up. we'll be fine" does he start to calm down. Matt punches the emergency button in the wall and they wait to the operator to answer, standing awkwardly and shuffling feet, until eventually, Matt breaks the silence with "so...Mr Shue's wife. Total babe, yeah?"
Puck cracks up laughing, and the boys start a debate about the hottest guy on the team's mum (Puck says James'  wins because of her boobs, but Matt reckons Brett's does because well, she's hot), and Mike refuses to partake, claiming loudly that 'If im going to die in here, the only woman on my mind will the Brittany!" at this, Matt pushes him lightly against the wall. He hits the door open button and the doors slide smoothly open, revealing to the three shocked boys the entire glee group, laughing their heads off at the boy's inability to press buttons. They pile out one by one, but Mike is blocked by a determined looking Brittany, who pushes him back into the lift, telling him be better fucking of been serious or she'll slap him. the last thing they see as the door slides closed is the cheering glee club and Puck's cheesy thumbs up.

4. Kurt
Kurt's gay, and Puck's fine with that. So fine infact that when the other boys avoid him when he officially comes out (they don't actually avoid him because a. they already knew anyway and b. they're not really homophobic...just not into Kurt hitting on them) Puck stays by his side. He sits with him in glee and ferociously beats up anyone that dares make a joke about the smaller boy. Then he beats them up again when they suggest Puck is gay as well. In fact, Puck and Kurt go from sworn enemies to best friends, basically (its not like he can talk to Finn anymore without feeling painfully guilty and Mike's too in love with Brittany and Artie's only really there for the guitar and Matt doens't talk much, anyway), and no one really blinks an eye, but then, no one at glee ever really cares too much about that stuff anyway, not after Rachel and Quinn became BFFLS FORVER AND EVER AMEN (and Kurt swears, more than that, but Puck can't be sure, because he still kinda wants Quinn and as far as he's concerned, Rachel wants Finn, but then again, Kurt's normally right about this stuff, so they make a bet and leave it at that).

5. Brittney
Brittney and Puck have known each other since the age of two, when she pushed him over into the mud. She was the first (and only, apart from his mother) girl to make him cry, and he plans to keep it that way. Needless to say, he pulls Mike aside soon after regionals and in a low voice threatens to 'reach into [his] mouth, and pull the botton of your spine all the way through [him]' if he dares hurt Brittney. Mike avoids him for the next week, and Brittney glares angrily at him and ignores him until he apologises for being a jerk. She just smiles, hugs him, and says she's glad to have a brother like him becuase her actual one is shit.

6. Santana
He wasnt that upset when Santana broke up with him, to be honest. It just mean he didn't have to cheat on her anymore, which suited him fine. In fact, the day afterwards he bought her a bouquet of flowers, to 'apologise for being a dick. oh, and i cheated on you. sorry.' she slaps him, but takes the flowers.
It takes her less than a day to start flirting again. He smiles and knows he's still got studliness, regardless of what those kurthaters say.

7. Rachel and Quinn

Despite what he first tells Rachel, he secretly does want to be firends with her. Which is made hard when Quinn tells everybody that he's the father, not Finn. Surprisingly, they don't shun her, or him, just stare disaprovingly and act coldly for the next day or so. Finn punches him, but thats to be expected. He also breaks up with Quinn, and Pucks heart leaps with hope, but when he tries to talk to her she just regards him coldly, and says "it's over, Noah". Noah? whoa, she really has been spending time with Berry. He thinks, before shrugging.
"Ok. But can I help with our daughter? I...I want to. Help you. and Finn, if he still wants to. And Rachel, because if that girl gets her way the baby will be named after her"
Quinn laughs at that, and nods at him, her smile warming him. She kisses him on the cheek before walking towards her car, saying "you'll be a great dad, Noah. Really. Just...make up with Finn, yeah? I want my babies daddies to get on."

She must have said something to Rachel, because the next day when he walks in on them kissing in the glee room she doesn't stare coldly, she just smiles and politely asks him to give them a minute.

8. Finn
They weren't really best friends, not really. They were on paper, but they never really liked each other, you know? They were more pushed into it, into this firendship that neither really wanted. Puck was a boys boy, a jerk, a bigamist and downright mean at times. Finn was sensitive, kind natured and big hearted. They could get on on a superficial level, talking about cars and girls and football, but thats all they ever spoke about. So he was surprised when Finn ignored him for over a month, and flat out refused to speak to him unless he had to after that. Eventually, Puck corners him.
"I said I'm sorry. You punched me. I didn't get with Quinn once you'd broken up. What gives, man?"
"First off, you never said you were sorry. Secondly, You didn't get with Quinn becuase she's with Rachel. I'm not as dumb as people think, you know. And secondly, you were my best firend, man. And i was excited about that kid. And you took her from me, asswipe!" he slams his locker, angrily, and goes to stalk off but Puck grabs him, and wheels him around.
"No one said you were dumb. You're a hell of a lot smarter than me, anyway. And Quinn wants you to be a part of this girls life, she told me. She referred to you as it's Daddy, dude. And for your information, drizzle is the best kids name ever, and if we can't name this on then you can knock up Rachel and we'll call dibs on that one. Okay?"
Finn stares at him for a second, but then grins.
"Fuck it, its not like i liked you that much in the first place, did I? No need to be all pissy with you now. But I've changed my mind. I don't want Drizzle, I want CocoMelon. You know, like a Coconut and a Melon? Summery, yeah?" He smiles in that goofy way that only he can and Puck remembers for a second why they could have been best friends, if they tried. He slaps Finn on the shoulder and smiles.
"CocoMelon it is. Shall we tell the ladies?"

They walk off together, and it's the start of a wonderful friendship.

9. Emily
The baby isn't called CocoMelon, or Drizzle. It's called Emily, and the entire club falls in love with it at first sight. All Puck can think is that his little girl is gonna be one spoiled baby.
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