An intriguing glimpse of Harriet as survivor. I particularly like the paragraph about her release from prison, and the description of her thoughts of that time: she would have said that they were the memories of a different woman, that had somehow lodged themselves in her brain
It's funny, the whole loser boyfriend / loose woman thing looms so much larger for DLS than the fact that Harriet is supposed to have narrowly escaped being hanged. At a certain point, it seems like she lacks a bit of imagination about Harriet's situation - never having been in Holloway herself, but having experienced all the rest of the package. Or are we just supposed to think that H. is one tough cookie?
Lovely! I like the details, like the chilly oak floorboards and two dressing gowns. And Harriet getting to know the real pleasure of having a Bunter, when you're cold, and a bit stressed, and unsure what to do, and there he is with tea and breakfast.
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