Silence & Safety: Part 07: Orchid *Eppes- fsmily; PG-13/K*

May 11, 2009 21:11

Title: Orchid
Series: Silence and Safety *7/21*
Author: loozy
Characters: Eppes- family
Rating: PG- 13/ K
Summary: Margaret’s favourite flower was the orchid.
Word Count: 177
Spoilers: none
Notes: No post yesterday as I went to bed early because I had to drive my father to the airport very very early this morning... But now we are back on track...
I am also aware that Jews generally don't place flowers at their graves, but I have been to our Jewish cemetery and there were flowers abound, in vases, so I went with that...
Prompt: # 95 Flower
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic. Numb3rs and everybody associated with it belongs to Cheryl Heuton & Nick Fallucci and CBS. I also don’t own any of the books mentioned in this drabble. I’m just having fun.
Feedback: Yes, please. I love every kind of review, even the bad ones, as long as they are helpful and constructive.

Margaret’s favourite flower was the orchid.

Every year for their anniversaries, like the wedding, the day he proposed, or the birthdays of the boys, Alan would always bring her a bouquet of her beloved flowers.

In the hospital, the Eppes- men always made sure that fresh bouquets were in sight, and at home, there was always one on the bedroom and the living room.

The day of her funeral, every mourner was given an orchid before entering the Temple.

On the anniversary of her death, Alan always heads to Margaret’s grace and drops off a vase filled with orchids. Last year, Don and Charlie accompanied him, each with their own bouquet. Margaret would have cried, had she seen them together like that.

Alan most certainly did, though he hid it from his sons. Or at least he thought he did until he felt both of them flank him.

Support the Eppes- man- way.

The day after Don’s attack, Alan visits the grave, to talk to her, to gain strength from her presence.

Of course he brings orchids.

creativity: series: silence & safety, fangirl: numb3rs, creativity: writing, creativity: drabble, creativity: fanfiction

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