Drawn for
"Draw Yourself as a Teen" meme. w00t! Nabbed from
littlest_elle. :-D
I was pretty dorky in high school. And pretty fucking obsessed with The X-Files, lol. This picture doesn't even show the locker covered with pictures of Mulder, Scully, and Doggett -- we're talking inside door, all 3 walls, the floor, and the 3 walls above the upper shelf, all painstakingly covered with pictures. *g*
I still have the X-Files shirt for memory's sake. I don't really ever wear it though as these days I prefer to wear things that show off my boobages, which I have become much fonder of than I was in high school. (Yay for dressing like a girl!) Back in the day it was like "Oh yeah... I have boobs, I guess." Now it's like, "Boobs! Fuck yeah!"
High school homeslices, what do you think? Is this an accurate representation? *g*